👤Chapter 25: You Don't Own Me.👤

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"No one loses anyone, because no one owns anyone."


"Ahhh! This tastes so amazing!" Mike moaned as he took another bit of vegetable chicken. 

"Obviously because I made it." Gun added as he was sitting next to Mike and watching the Bodyguard eat. 

"I helped too!" 

"Yeah yeah."

Mike continued to sit there and enjoy his meal, meanwhile Gun took out his phone and went to social media looking at all his Babii's comments and replying to them. Mike suddenly stopped eating when he felt his sixth sense. He got the feeling of being watched. Gun was too busy typing on his phone to notice that Mike stop eating. Mike scanned the room, nothing seemed to be out of place from the last time he came. However he did notice Gun's windows and curtains wide open. He placed down the spoon and got up from his seat to close it, finally getting Gun's attention. 

"What's wrong Mike?" Gun asked as he saw the Bodyguard walk towards the window and closed it along with the curtains. 

"Gun. You live in this apartment by yourself. You should be careful about things like that." He replied as he walked back towards the table and took a seat. 

"Like what?" 

"Make sure to always close the window and curtains. It's not safe, especially when you have another building in front of yours."

"That's weird. I always have them closed though. Maybe I forgot in the morning when I rushed out."

"Alright, but be careful next time. Don't be so careless."

"Yes mom!" Gun rolled his eyes as he bought his attention back towards the phone. Mike shook his head as he continued eating. 

"Boss that was close! He didn't see me however he closed the windows and the curtains!"

"It's fine for now. I don't think anything else will happen, but keep an eye on him."

"I got some pictures of Gun and Mike cooking and having fun together. It doesn't look like... a relationship between a bodyguard and the owner. Should I post it on social media? It would get a negative reaction from the fans."

"What a slut he is. But no, don't post it, or else they would know. Just keep an eye on him."

"Yes boss."

"Do you have to go now?" Gun whined as he saw Mike grab his jacket.

"Yeah Gun, I need to finish my work."

"Alright, but wh-"

Knock knock.

Gun was interrupted when he heard a knock on the door. He looked at Mike in confusion as he wasn't expecting a visitor.

"I'll go get it." Mike said as he walked towards the door, Gun following after him.

Mike opens the door to find Off's hand in midair as if he was about to knock again. Both the male look at each other, an unknown transition around them. Mike looked at Off as he saw the older male's eyes have gotten darker. His jaws were clenched tight and the knuckles of his fist were turning white. Mike smirked at the older male's reaction before talking.

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