🙈Chapter 6: Let's Play🙉

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"Sneaky peaky, let's play a game, where you get to seek me."

By: S.coups's wife, Ela


It was 7 a.m. when Gun woke up to the sound of his alarm. The annoying alarm wouldn't stop and it was pissing Gun off. Gun tried to reach for the device from his bed, but his arms were too short. He thought it would be a smart idea to throw a pillow at the alarm.


Well... there goes another alarm to heaven. Gun quickly got up as he heard the glass crack from the alarm.
Great, just great! Now he would have to clean it. But he was too lazy to do it now. As soon as he felt himself awake, he did what every human does, check their social media. Gun was going through his Instagram and Twitter feed, when he noticed a picture of  him and Mike, at the Mall. He went through the comments because he taught he's Babiis were going to be mad, but to his surprise, everyone was talking how cute it looked. Gun was a bit confused but relief at the same time so he didn't question further. He finally decides to get up, take a shower, eat breakfast, and get ready for work.

By 8:30 a.m, Gun called Kwang to come and pick him up. Gun waited downstairs for Kwang when he suddenly heard a beep coming from a car he knew. Gun went over to that red car and hoped in as he greeted  Kwang. Gun thought that Kwang would yell at him for the pictures of him and Mike, but Kwang didn't say anything. Gun was arguing with himself, whether he should bring up the topic or not, but he finally gave in.

"P'Kwan, Did you check the social media today?"

"Of course, why?" She replied as she focused on the road.

"Oh... Did you not see the picture of me and Mike? I could explain!"

"Explain what?" She looked at me for a few seconds and then went back to the road.

"I mean, I was holding his hand."

"So? You do that to everyone. It's not a big deal." She said casually.

"I do not!" I argued back.

"Oh please Gun! Name me a person in GMM company, that you haven't hugged yet."

She has a point. Maybe it's not a big deal. I'm not complaining though. I can't help myself from touching other people. Cuddling and placing my hands in their shoulder, are something I always do. But one thing that I don't usually give away, are my kisses. They are only for my Papi. Ahhhh I missed him. I wonder if he has seen the picture? He's probably too busy to do that. Thought Gun

After a couple of minutes, they finally reached GMM company and Gun went straight to the office and P'Boy told Gun his schedule for the day. Thank God today he didn't have a busy schedule. It was burning hot outside and the poor boy would lose his mind if he had to travel a lot. The first thing in his schedule was to go to ##### and shoot something for a commercial. Of course Kwang couldn't go since she is busy keeping Tay and New ready for their "dark blue kiss" shoot.

As Gun was about to exit the building, he was greeted by Mike. Kwang called Mike and told him to keep Gun company. After all, he was Gun's bodyguard. Gun was a glad to see Mike since he wasn't going to be lonely today. Plus the boy had a evil plan. He was going to make his bodyguard, his personal slave. He giggled as he thought of Mike  bringing him a bottle of water, Fanning him when it was hot, and getting food for him.

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