Chapter 23: A Friend To Keep

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Don’t make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to lever yourself up.”
– Thomas J. Watson


"P'Off!" Gun called out to the older male who turned around quick as a flash. 

"Gun. What are you doing here?" Off had mix feeling seeing Gun. Has Gun finally forgive him? That's why he's looking for Off... but no. He called him "P'Off", and not "Papi"... so he is still mad?

"I wanted to ask you the same question." Gun replied as he walked closer to Off, a little out of breath from running around the building.
"I've been looking for you all over the place."

After hearing Gun, Off had a little smile on his face with hopes of Gun forgiving him. His Gun was looking around the whole place for him, just like how Gun always wants to be next to Off. Gun was back to his old self. 

"You have my schedule. I need that to see what I have next." Gun said as Off's smile disappeared. It looked broken. His hopes Came Crashing Down. Gun was only looking for him for work... not because Gun wanted to be near Off. This is how Gun must have felt whenever Off declined him for work.

"P'Off?" Gun waved his hand in front of the older males face to get his attention.


"My schedule."

"Oh right..." Off reached out for his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. There were two pieces. He gave one piece to Gun and kept other for himself. "Sorry... I forgot I had your schedule."

"It's fine." Gan replied as he opened it the piece of paper, scanning through from top to bottom. He wanted to rip the paper from seeing his schedule. It was full! He wished he had less work so he could take some time off and control his unwanted feelings, but seeing his schedule in his hand, he had to work with Off a lot. Great. Just great. "I'll get going now then." 

"No wait!" Off quickly stopped Gun before he could leave. "You have lunch next... d-do you want to have it together?"

Gun just looked at Off. The taller male usually never asks to have lunch together, and when he does, Gun always takes the opportunity. But not now. 

"Sorry P', but P'New wanted to talk about something."


"Yeah... I should probably get going. See you after."

Before Off could even respond, Gun already turned around and headed towards the door, leaving Off behind disappointed and broken. Gun did not even ask Off once why he was in the roof at this time. 

Gun walk into the restaurant that was not far away from the restaurant he Mike and Off went last time. This restaurant was actually New's favorite. He took a seat on the small mat that was on the floor, front of the small square table. It was currently  11:30 A.m, 10 minutes into their lunch time already. Gun took out his phone from his pocket and dialed New's number.

"Hello? P', where are you?" Gun questioned as soon as New answered. 

"Sorry Gun, I'll be there in any minu-"

"I want to go!" Gun heard someone else's voice on the phone. It sounded like Tay's.

"Is that P'Tay?" 

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