💕Sweet Valentine's Gift💕

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"Mike, I am home." Gun said as he entered his and Mike's shared apartment. 

"Mike?" Gun called out for his boyfriend of three years as he noticed the living room was dark. 

"Is he mad?" He whispered to himself as he walked towards the light and switched it on. 

Of course his boyfriend was going to be mad. It was Valentine's Day and the lovely couple have been waiting for this  day for the past month. They have already planned everything they were going to do today and couldn't wait. However to their terrible luck, Kwang called this morning as Gun was getting ready for his date and told him that an emergency occurred at work. 

The younger obviously didn't want to go to work, however it sounds like something very important. With a heavy heart, he said yes and told Mike the news as he watched his boyfriend's face fill with disappointment. He really felt guilty to ruin such a romantic date but he couldn't do anything.

Is he sleeping? He thought as he looked at the clock in the living room. It was already 10:33 P.m, about an hour and a half left before Valentine's Day was over. It's too late for them to do anything special now.

He walked towards their bedroom and opened the door, to find it all so dark. He switched the light on to see the bed empty. What? Gun had a confused face. It's too late for him to be out.

He was going to call his boyfriend but decided to check the bottom, however it was also empty. He felt a little panicked as he pulled out his phone and called his boyfriend. The phone has been ringing for a while now.

"Hello, this is Mike. I can't answer your phone at the moment, so please leave a mess-"

Gun quickly ended the call and he started panicking. He must be really mad. He thought as he could feel the tears from his eyes. The only time Mike would leave the house without telling, is when they get into an argument. He called his boyfriend's phone again but the same results showed up.

"Please don't tell me you want to go to the club." He whispered to himself weaky as he knew his boyfriend's bad habit. Getting drunk at the club and coming home to forget everything after an argument. He was about to call his boyfriend once again but suddenly heard a piano music coming from the guest room, which the couple haven't used in a while. It was just a room in the house they never really needed and had no idea what to do with it.

He tilts his head in confusion and drops his phone to the bed as he slowly walks down the small hallway to the guest room. The music of the piano was getting louder and louder with every step and he could see bright light coming from the crack of the door.
He grabbed the handle and twisted it open before stepping in.

His eyes widened from the breathtaking sight. His throat dried up since his mouth was a bit open and his heart was beating from amazement.

The room was filled with tiny lights shaped in the heart. Red balloons that had long strings at the end were floating around the ceiling. The bed decorated with beautiful petals of Rose that spelled 'I love you' and beautiful smell surrounded the atmosphere because of the candles on top of the nightstand.

 The bed decorated with beautiful petals of Rose that spelled 'I love you' and beautiful smell surrounded the atmosphere because of the candles on top of the nightstand

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