👅Chapter 3: I Miss You Papi👅

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"We have reason to believe that man first walked upright to free his hands for masturbation."

— Lily Tomlin


That night Kwang dropped Gun home before heading to her own house. Gun was exhausted from the tiring day today. As soon as he entered his bedroom, he collapsed onto the bed. He stayed still in his bed for a couple of minutes before he got his lazy ass to the bathroom. He took a quick shower because he really wanted to just hit the bed and go to Wonderland. He came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He's too lazy to put on his clothes right now. He was about to turn off his bedroom light, but someone suddenly called him. He rolled his eyes with annoyance. He just wanted to sleep right now! But as soon as he saw the caller ID, his frown turned into a wide smile. He quickly answered the video call, forgetting that he was half naked.

"PAPI!" yelled out Gun.

Gun was shocked that his Papi called him at this time. Usually around this time, Off would be busy with his work or sleeping. Gun waited for the older male to reply, however the older male just stared at him.


"Oh-h hey Gun... How are you doing?"

"I am fine Papi, but why did you call at this time? Are you okay?" The younger started to worry.

"Are YOU okay? I heard everything from P'Kwang. You must have been shocked today."

Gun started to giggle. He was more than happy hearing his Papi care for him.

"Don't worry Papi. I am okay. Also! Did P'Kwang tell you about my bodyguard?"

"Yes I hard... Are you okay with him? I know you don't like bodyguards."

"Well at first I didn't like it, but Mike is an okay person. Although he laughs at me!" Gun said the last part as he rolled his eyes.

"Hahaha. I'm sure you'll get used to it. I feel bad for him though. He has to take care of a stubborn person."


Gun screamed as he dropped himslfe onto the bed. His phone tilted a little in his hand, exposing his naked chest and his naked belly. The older was once again silenced. Seeing Gun's body like that had totally made his Mr. Big jumpol jump. (Editor: Oh snap) [Author: I know, right?]


"I- I got-t to go-o." his breath became heavy.

Off quickly ended the call leaving Gun disappointed. Gun was hoping they could chat some more. The poor boy had missed his Papi, even though it has only been few days since the older left for Korea. He just wanted to hug his Papi. Gun quickly got up to turn off the light and want to bed once again. The younger boy had a habit of sleeping in a towel when he's too lazy to change. Before Gun drifted of to Wonderland, he had whispered something underneath his breath.

"I miss you Papi."




Sorry for the short chapter. I just needed to get him in the book already. Please don't forget to vote!

Q: What do you think Off did with his Mr. Big jumpol after the video call ended?

I know what...😏😏😏


Author: What thing? 😏

S.coups's Wife, Ela

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