🔚Chapter 35: The End?🔚

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"Papi! Papi! Just a few more minutes please. Keep your eyes open! We are here." Gun cried as he tried his best to keep Off awake.

They were running down the hospital hallway as Off was on top of the bed with wheels and being pulled into the emergency room. Gun's face was all hot and red as tears wouldn't stop coming from his eyes. He was holding tightly onto Off's right hand as he tried his best to keep up with the speed of the bed.

"Sir, you can't get in there." One of the nurses separated Off and Gun as Gun watched Off get into the emergency room.

His leg finally felt weak as he fell down to the floor. His Sobs got harder and harder by each second as it was hard for him to breathe. "Sir, You are injured. You need to be treated so please come this way." The nurse requested as she tried to help Gun up but Gun stubbornly shook his head and stayed on the floor.

"No! I have to wait for him!"

"But sir, you're bleeding so much."

"I don't care. This is all my fault! His injured all because of me!"

"Sir, You can't j-" the nurse stopped talking when she watched a man limping towards them. 

"I'll get him. Please go prepare the medicine." Mike told the nurse as she looked at Gun one last time before nodding her head and walking down the hallway.

"Gun. Please get up. You can't do anything by staying here."

"No-no! I have to stay here. I have t-"

"Gun!" Mike raised his voice as he kneeled down on the floor. He didn't want to scream at Gun but Gun was out of his mind at this moment. "Listen to yourself! How the hell are you going to help him by sitting out here?! Huh!?"

Gun sobbed quietly as he got yelled at by Mike. The Bodyguard lets out a heavy sigh before softening his voice. 
"Listen. Don't you want to help Off when he gets out of the surgery? Don't you want to help him with everything? How are you going to do that if you're injured?" Mike tried to reason out as he watched Gun calm down a little. "Let's go hmm? It will be fast." He asked as Gun nodded slowly. 

The nurse finally finished wrapping the the last piece of bandage around Gun's arm as the younger boy stayed quiet. He didn't even Flinch when the nurse pleased Medicine on his injured body. He was too deep thinking. 

It broke Mike's heart to see Gun like that, especially knowing that it was for another man. However he already knew he lost a long time ago. He knew who Gun loved.

"You are done sir." The nurse said as she finished wrapping the bandage around his injured leg. Mike gave the nurse a quick thank you before walking closer to Gun and taking a seat next to him. The nurse left the room, living only both of them there.


"It's all my fault. Both you and Off are injured because of me." He cried.

"Gun look at me." Mike requested before turning Gun's body towards him.
"It's not your fault."

"It is!" Gun suddenly raised his voice. "You guys wouldn't have gotten hurt if you didn't come to save me. Off wouldn't have been shot. It's all because of me."

"That's not true Gun. We came there to save you because we both love you. Wouldn't you do the same for us?" Mike asked as Gun nodded. "It would have been a worse pain if anything happened to you. We wouldn't forgive our self. It's not your fault, It's that guy's fault. and we promise to get him."

"Will Off be Okay?"

"He will absolutely fine. I promise." Mike promised as Gun felt a lot better.

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