😶Chapter 8: You're Important😶

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You should tell people how important they are to you.


"Hello sir?"

"Hello. I would like to reschedule the interview."

"Yes sir, what time would you like to reschedule it to."

"Ummm... about 2 hours later from now."

"Ok sir, but may I know the reason?"

"I need to check on someone."

That was Off, rescheduling his interview that he was supposed to do at the current moment. He realized that he hasn't talked to Gun for the past two weeks, and he felt really guilty about it. The truth is, Off didn't have to be that busy. He still got some free time, but he would never spend it to himself. Why? Because he would use his free time to do extra work, so he could finish everything faster and go back to his Gun. But luck was not at his side. The faster he finished something, the faster he was given another task. He just wanted to go home. He missed the youngers touch and kisses. It has been already 3 weeks since he was in Korea. He had one more week left before he could go back to Thailand. Off quickly fixed himself before calling Gun. It took some while for Gun to answer, but finally Gun's beautiful face appeared in his screen... well... kinda. Gun had half of his face covered.

"Hello papi." Gun said. Almot Emotionless.

"Hey babi, why is your face covered?"

"No reason."

The truth is, Gun was sick and when he's sick, his body betrays him. He growed a huge pimple on the tip of his nose. He doesn't want anyone to see it. Especially Off.. and not only that, he was mad at Off for not answering his phone few days ago.

"How are you?"

"I am fine."



"Aren't you going to ask how I was?"

"Probably busy like always. What's new?"

"Are you mad?"

"No, why would I?"

"You are mad."



"I said No!"


"FINE! You win. I am mad. You haven't called me or texted me for the past 2 weeks. Am I not important? Why didn't you answer me when I called you?"

Hearing these words made Off's heart stop. Of course Gun was important to
him. After all, Off was in love with Gun.

"Babi, I am sorry. I didn't mean to. I really was bu-"

"I know! you're busy! That's what you say all the time!"

"Babi, I really am sorry! Please don't be mad."

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