🖑Chapter 10: Don't End🖐

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The rode that never seems to end.


"I don't want to!" Gun said as he sat down on the chair with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Come on Gun, it's just one night." Kwang tried to convince Gun.

"But it's so boring there with them!"

"Well, this is your job. You need to work with people, even if you don't like them."

Gun was having a good day until Kwang told Gun that he had shoot a commercial in Hua Hin. Hua Hin was a beautiful city, only few hours away from Bangkok and Gun loved going there. It had beautiful beaches and hotels. Gun would have been very excited to go there, but the only problem is, he has to go there to shoot a commercial with people. He has no problem shooting the commercial, but he does have problem with the people in the shooting crew. The people in the crew always made fun of Gun's height and they teased him a lot, and Gun hated it. He really doesn't want to spend 24 hour with those people. So once Gun said "No", it was hard to convince him to say "Yes". Kwang had been trying for hours and hours, but of course Gun is so stubborn. Kwang was this close to giving up, until Mike walked into the room. A big smirk spreads across her face.

"Here Gun, I got you the chocolate you wanted." Mike said as he handed Gun the Kit Kat. [A/N: Everytime I look at Kit kat, my mind goes completely to 2moon Minkit.]

He was about to take a seat next to Gun when he notice Kwang smirking at him. Mike Was now terrified. It look like she was about to eat him up or something.

"Say Mike." Kwang said as she crossed her right leg over her left. "Have you ever been to Hua Hin?"

"Mmm, No P'. Why?"

"Gun over here." she pointed to Gun, who was too busy eating the Kit kat. "Needs to go to Hua Hin to shoot a commercial and I'm pretty sure he would love it if you went with him."

"I never agreed that I would go there!" Gun tried to argue back. He could have looked serious... If he didn't have chocolate all over his mouth.

"Oh. Then ther-" Mike tried to say something, but was completely ignored by Kwang.

"Even if Mike went?" Kwang continued.

"Mike didn't say he wanted to go." Gun was not giving up yet.

Then Kwang turned to Mike and gave him a very sharp eye. Her eyes looked like she was trying to make a hole through Mike, and Mike shivered looking at her eye.

"You want to go to Hun Hin, Right Mike?" Kwang Said in a deep voice.

"Y-yes P."

"See, He wants to go."

Gun then looked at Mike and asked once again. "Really?"

Mike gave Gun a quick nod. He wasn't looking at Kwang now, but he could feel her staring at him. He was smart enough to know that if he said no, she was going to kill him later.

Somehow going to Hua Hin didn't sound as bad as it did to Gun now. The thought of Mike protecting Gun while the others made fun of him, made Gun feel proud to have a bodyguard. He was sure that Mike can kill those people. Gun also grew more excited. Since Mike never went to Hau Hin, Gun would love to show Mike around, and they could hang out and have fun.

"Okay then. We will go!" Gun said excitedly with a big smile, still looking at Mike. Mike noticed Gun's big smile that always made his heart flattered. He chuckled once before wiping the chocolate of Gun's mouth with his thumb.

Kwang sat there, feeling proud of her Mission being comprised.

"Okay then. Go home early today after work and pack your bags. You don't need to pack too many things since we'll just stay over there for one night. Make sure to be ready before 8 a.m. and I'll come and pick you guys up."

Both the boys nodded.


The Naxt day.

"Gun, I said not to pack too many things. What is this?" Kwang pointed towards Gun's huge luggage as Mike tried hard not to laugh.

"You don't understand P'. All my clothes, makeup, facial wash, body wash, shampoo, my pillow and stuffed toys are there." Gun tried to explain.

"Do you really need all of them?"

"Of course!"

"And How are you going to walk around with that luggage? It looks heavier than you."

"Who said I'm going to carry that? I have a slave- I mean- bodyguard for a reason."

"Wait What!" Mike now joined the interesting conversation.

"What? Then do you want to get fired?"

Kwang sighed. She decided not to drag the conversation any longer or else they will be late. She told Mike to place the luggages inside the trunk, before shoving both the boys inside the car. Gun wanted to sit next to Kwang as she drived, but Kwang didn't want to get another headache because Gun, so she made both the boys sit together at the back. Mike and Gun didn't complain though.


"Are we there yet?" Gun asked that question for the 3rd time within an hour.

"I swear to God! If you ask that question one more time, I will kick you out of this fucking car!" Kwang snapped back.

The car rides to Hau Hin from  Bangkok takes 3 hours. It has only been one hour and Gun started complaining.

"But I'm so bored!"

"Then take a nap. We still have two more hours left."

"I would love to do that, but it's so uncomfortable."

"Then lean on Mike!"

Both Gun's and Mike's face turned red after hearing that. Mike now really wanted Gun to sleep on his chest, so he could wrap his arms around Gun's waist. He really wanted to hold Gun. Gun on the other hand doesn't know why his face felt so hot. He doesn't know why he felt so nervous. Gun had always leaned on people as he tried to sleep without a problem. The only person that ever made his heartbeat was Off. But why was he feeling the same with Mike?

Gun was so lost in his thought, that he didn't notice Mike grabbing him and pulling him closer to his chest. Gun then gently laid his head on Mike's chest, as Mike tightened his grip around Gun's waist. The car was now silence. Kwang Was finally enjoying the quiet atmosphere. Gun can hear Mike's heartbeat as he tried to remember the pattern. Gun soon fall asleep on Mike's chest, and Mike finally felt like he could breathe. Holding Gun's small body felt amazing on his grip. He now wished that the car ride lasted forever.

He doesn't want it to end.


Word: 1163

Why am I loving Kwang so much?

Q: What is your favorite chocolate?

I'm not the biggest fan of chocolate, BUT, I could spend the whole day eating Crunch. Its so good.


S.coups's wife, Ela

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