🗡️Chapter 29: A Real Gun.🗡️

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"Welcome to my parent's house." Gun welcomed his two bodyguards as his voice echoed throughout the empty big house.

They said their goodbyes to the other staff members as the three boys entered big off white and yellow house. Once they entered the house, it was dark, however that changed once Gun switched the light on. The house was huge and beautiful. The theme of the house looked more like an American house. Simple and classy. The living room has black furniture, a black TV, and the curtains were black and white stripes. Over to the right was the huge kitchen. It had a big long counter, the stoves looked very clean, and a double-door fridge. As they walked further into the house, they notice the long wooden stairs that takes them to the second floor.

"Make yourself at home." Gun said as he dropped his Red handbag on the couch.

"This house is really pretty. It's very clean too." Mike commented as he smiled at Gun. 

"Thank you. My mom would be happy hearing that." Gun smiles back.

"Move!" Off hissed as he walked through the middle of Mike and Gun, not liking the fact that they're smiling at each other. "It's been a long day. We should probably had to bed soon. We have the meeting tomorrow."

"Oh that's right! There is one bedroom downstairs near the kitchen and two upstairs. I w-" before Gun could finish explaining, Off interrupted him. 

"Great!" He said as he grabbed Gun's hand. "Gun and I will stay in one room upstairs, since it's unsafe for him to stay alone and Mike could have the room downstairs. Let's go Gun!" He ordered as he attempted to pull Gun, but the younger stayed still. 

"Umm... No. I don't think that's necessary." Gun said as he folded his arms across his chest. 

"Then who's staying with who?" Off asked as Gun smirked.

"I can't fucking believe I have to stay with you!" Off hissed as he threw his luggage on top of his side of the bed and started unpacking.

"Stop complaining! You think I'm happy  to stay in the same room as you!?" Mike hissed back as he took out his clothes from the luggage. "Just be lucky this room has two bed."

Both of them had their backs towards each other as they were unpacking their things on two different bed. The decision was final. Gun took one of the rooms upstairs, as Off and Mike took the other one. Gun didn't feel comfortable sharing the room with any of them and he didn't think it was necessary either. Off then started arguing that he was going to take the other room to himself, but Mike explained it would be too dangerous to stay downstairs. So they had to share the room upstairs, so that way, if anything happens, both of them could be near Gun.

"Even if there was one bed, there is no way I'm sharing it with you." Off said as he took out his white tight jeans.

"I didn't say I would either. I'd rather stay on the floor than with you." Mike replied back as he took out a few knives.

"You better stay at your side of the room and don't you dare step near mine. If you need to use the bathroom, go downstairs" Off ordered as he took out his red shirt.

"Sure. Then you stay on your side. If you need to exit the room... well good luck, because the door is on my side." Mike smirked as he took out few handcuffs and metal weapons.

"Fine! Only go to each other side if really needed. And stop trying t- woah woah woah! Put that down!" Off swallowed his saliva when he saw Mike holding onto a heavy black gun.

Mike smirked as he started spinning the gun around his finger. "Why? Scared of this baby?" He teased as he took a few steps forward towards Off.

"W-what!? N-no! Put that down!" He stuttered as he took a step back. "It's not a toy!"

"I know..." He said as he grew closer to Off. Off's feet hit the wooden part of the bed and he falls on top. He lays on top of his bed as his feet hang loose on the edge. "Want to see how it works?" Mike had a dark smirk as he pleased his right leg on the bed and one of his free hands at the side Off's head! He leaned closer to Off's face as he pointed the gun towards Off's head. "We can ha-" Mike was interrupted when he heard the door open. 

"Here are some extra blankets if you guys ne-" Gun froze next to the door as he had some blankets on his hand. He looked at the two of them. Off was on the bed with Mike on top of him... almost looked like they were about to kiss. "I- um... I- didn't mean to interrupt anything. Goodnight!" He quickly said as he turned around and ran towards his bedroom, with the blanket still in his hand.

Off and Mike looked at each other as soon as Gun left. They stared at each other for a few seconds before looking down to see the position they were in. Once realization hits both of them, Off quickly pushes Mike off him. "Stop trying to rape me!" He yelled as he ran out the door screaming. "GUN! IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!"

The next morning:

"Hahahaha! WA-wait! Say I-it again! Hahahahaha!" Gun continued to laugh on his sit as his cereals were getting soggy. "Hahahaha! I can't!!!!" He laughed out loud as Mike and Off looked at each other.

"This is your fault!" Off hissed at Mike as he took a spoonful of his cereal.

Gun has been laughing ever since last night after Off explained everything. He wouldn't stop laughing at both Off and Mike. The poor bodyguards had a hard time going to sleep since they could hear Gun laughing on the other side of the house. Even in the morning when he saw both of them downstairs, he started laughing!


"Oi Gun!" Mike said as he took a seat near the kitchen counter. "You shouldn't be laughing so much early in the morning. It's bad for you and it's annoying for our ears." He complained.

"I can't help it! I thought you guys were actually going to kiss!" He laughed as he took a spoonful of cereal. 

"EWWW! NEVER!" Both Off and Mike yelled at the same time, making Gun choke on his cereal. (A/N:Not the only thing you'll choke on-)

"Whatever! Finish eating so we could get ready for the fan meet. Kwang will be here soon to pick us up." Off said as Mike got a bowl and poured the milk first before the cereal! 

Gun and Off just looked at him. 

"I lost my appetite." Gun made a disgusted face before dropping the spoon on the counter and walking out of the kitchen. 

"Same." Off he said as he dropped the spoon and went out of the kitchen. 

"Wait, what happened?" 


Word: 1,220

The cereal goes first before the milk people. 

S.coups's wife, Ela

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