😊Chapter 17: Charming people.😊

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[A/N: OMG. I love this music. OFF LOOKS SO CUTEEEEE HERE!!!]

"Gun! Are you ready? The car is going to leave." Off calls for Gun, waiting outside the changing room.

"One minute Papi!" Gun shouted back.

Both the boys just got their makeup done, and were changing into their outfit for the concert. Off already changed into his outfit, but Gun seems to take forever.

Gun finally got out of the changing room, with his outfit on. Off wanted to yell at Gun from being so late, but his words were totally lost when he looked at how cute Gun looked. Gun was only wearing black clothes, but still made it look so cute.

"L-let's go." Off said is he walked towards the exit.

"Papi, wait for me!" Gun run after Off.

Off entered the the big black van, and sat right next to Kwang. Gun soon followed Off, and sat next to him.

"What took you guys so long?" said Kwang.

"Don't even get me started." Off replied back.

Kwang nodded, totally understanding. Gun took a hold of Off's left hand, and placed his head on Off's shoulder. Off tried to pull his arm back, but Gun wouldn't let go. Off took a deep sigh, and lets Gun do whatever he wants.

Kwang and the boys soon arrived to the concert place. Babiis were all around the place and screaming their lungs out, waiting for four of the boys to get on the stage.



Both New and Gun ran to each other, and hugged each other until they felt numb.

"P'! I missed you." Gun smiled, as he broke the hug.

"I missed you too! We finally finished shooting 'Dark Blue Kiss'! Which means, we'll be able to hang out more!" They both giggled some more, as they continued talking about everything that happened for the past month.

"What's up man?" Off said as he fist-bumped Tay.

"Nothing much. You?" Tay answered back.


And after that, both Tay's and Off's conversation died. Both the boys waited for Gun and New to finish their conversation, so they could get ready for the stage.

"Hey pet!" Gun said, as he gave Tay a quick hug.

"Hello Gun, and I'm not the pet today, you are." Tay smiled at Gun.

"No! I clearly remember being the pet before you started the 'Dark Blue Kiss' shooting."

"Gun, your memory is very bad. I was the pet."

"No, I was."

"No, I w-"

"If you both don't shut up, I'll make you both the pets." Off interrupted.

"Come on guys. We have a concert to do." New agreed with Off.

The four of them were about to walk up to stage, until Gun remembered something. "Wait! I'll be back in 5 minutes." Gun said as he ran Kwang.

"What happened Gun?"

"P'. Can you please bring Mike to the VIP seating area?"

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