🤝Chapter 36: Forgive Me And Let Go, But Don't Leave Me🤝

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"G.. un" Off whispered quietly as he felt pain all over his damaged body.

"Gun..." His whisper got a little louder as he tried to move his finger.

"Gun." He said it a little louder this time as he opened his eyes.

His vision was blurry for a few seconds before he was able to make out himself in a hospital bed with wires all over his body. Off finally felt a little strength in his body as he turned his head to the side to find Gun sitting down on the couch with hands covering his face.
He stared at Gun few seconds as he felt his body relax.

He had a terrible dream. A dream where Gun was leaving him. Gun said he didn't want him anymore, that he was tired of waiting. He wanted to be in a relationship where someone loved him, but Off never gave him that. So he was ready to leave Off.

"Gun!" Off managed to get his voice back as Gun's head shot up.

"Papi!" Gun cried as he quickly got up and ran towards Off's bed. "Papi! You finally woke up. Are you okay? Wait, let me get the doctor." Gun said as he was ready to turn his heels but stopped when he felt Off grab his hand.

"Babi, Don't leave me." Off was having a hard time talking but he couldn't afford to lose Gun. "I-I do love you." He still believed he was in the dream. "I love you. So Please Don't Leave Me." He bagged.

Gun broke down crying. "I won't leave you Papi. Never." He cried as he gently hugged Off, making sure not to put pressure on the side of his stomach. "I love you way too much to do that." Gun let's his tears run down his eyes and into Off's hospital gown.

Gun cried there for a few seconds until Off went back to sleep. The younger breaks away from the hug and looks at the older,

falling more and more in love.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE That?!" Mr. Sompob yelled at the criminal in front of him. "He's our son." He broke down crying as he took a seat on the chair.

"I-I never m-meant for this t-to happen!" Mrs. Dararat could barely speak as she cried.

Mrs. Dararat and Mr. Sompob Were alone inside the investigation room. Of course the cops could see them from the other side through the see-through glass, but it felt like they were all alone.
Mrs. Dararat was wearing an orange jumpsuit and her hands were cuffed together. She had her head hung low as she sat down on the chair, too afraid and embarrassed to look at her husband.

"I- I only wanted Gun to stay away from my son. I- never meant t-to hurt anyone!"

"I wanted Gun away from Off too! but hiring a stalker to follow Gun around and then threatening him to stay away from our son is not the way to do it!" The man furiously yelled. "Y-you could have killed someone." His voice was low as he said the last part.

"I swear I would never think of that! I only ordered them to threaten Gun, not to lay a finger on him. I tried doing what was best for our son. He was in love Gun, a male who couldn't provide him a family!"

"I know that too, but there were other ways!"

"I am sorry, I really am. I just wanted my son to be happy and realize what he was doing was wrong. But Gun had him stuck around his finger. He wouldn't think about anything without mentioning Gun. I just wanted Gun to stay away from Off!" She cried again.

The room was once again silence as both of them cried. Mrs. Dararat knows she messed up. She knows she fucked up real bad. There was only one fear in her heart.

Was Off ever going to forgive her?

Mike cried silently as he had his hands covering his face. He was still outside the hospital hallway since he refused to leave Gun alone, in case someone came back to hurt him. But everything he was doing right now was hurting him even more. Knowing that Gun and Off were in the room in front of him, probably confessing, broke him. He sat down on the chair and cried quietly.

All of a sudden Mike felt a warm hand in his shoulder. He looked up to see a woman sitting there, smiling sadly at him. Mike tried to stop his tears but it won't work. His eyes were all swollen as his face was all red. He felt the woman pulled him into a gentle hug. The hug was very warm, very comforting. He couldn't get himself to push away from the hug, but instead cried on the woman's shoulder as he hugged back.

"G-Godji..." Mike cried before breaking down.

"I know baby. Just cry." Godji's voice was soft as she rubbed her hand in a circular motion behind Mike. "I'll be here."

After a while of Mike crying and Godji comforting him, the poor bodyguard pulled away from the hug and looked down.

"You... Love Gun right?" She asked as Mike nodded.

"I could tell. I had a feeling since #mikegun trended." She said sadly before grabbing Mike's hand and holding it into hers.

Mike looked at her and she smiled.
"You are an amazing person Mike." She complimented as she squeezed Mike's hand. "You deserve so much more. And I promise one day you'll get that. Let go of Gun. I know it's hard but you'll find someone who loves you back."

Mike Smiles a little before nodding his head.

Maybe it's time for him to let go.


Word: 1,000

#MikeGodji anyone?

Thank you Human_fo and BasiaHerbasia 😉

Thank you Human_fo and BasiaHerbasia 😉

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I agree. They are adorable.


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S.coups's Wife, Ela.

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