🕴🏻Chapter 42: Bodyguard-S🕴🏻

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Gun woke up, feeling his boyfriend's hand wrapped around his naked body. He opened his eyes to meet with his boyfriend's one.

"Good morning Papi." Gun giggled.

"Good morning Babi." Off smiled widely before pulling Gun's body closer to his. He lets his hand running around Gun's body until his hand squeeze Gun's naked butt, loving the reaction came out of the younger.

"Papi!" Gun gasped as he playfully hits Off's chest naked chest. "Don't touch me there."

"Why not? It's mine anyway. I can do whatever I want to it." He smirked  before sliding his pointer finger inside Gun's butt crack, almost inside his hole.

"Papi!" Gun blushed before hiding his face in Off's neck.

"Hahaha. Okay, I'll stop teasing you." Off pulled his hand out of Gun's butt as he grabbed Gun's waist, hugging him tight in his chest.

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes. Just enjoying each other's warmth and love, without saying a word. It seems crazy to Gun to be in a relationship with Off. After years of chasing after him, he was finally able to get Off. He feels like all his dreams have come true, nothing else to wish for. Everything he wanted was right here, at this moment.

It wasn't any different for Off. Ever since he met Gun, he knew he loved this little small Bean, but he also knew that he could never be with Gun, but now? He was so glad that he was wrong. Finally having Gun in his arm, hugging, kissing, having sex, and making Gun his was all he needed.

"Oh Papi!" Gun said, breaking the peaceful silence. He pulled away from Off's chest and looked at the older. "I totally forgot. We need to go jogging today. With Mike and Godji."

"Why?" He whined, trying to pull Gun back in his chest as he didn't want to move out of bed.

"No!" Gun giggled as he got out of the older's grip. "Dr. Scoups said you have to exercise. You have been on the hospital bed for almost a month, now your body needs to exercise."

"But we just exercised last night... unless you want to do it again this morning." Off wiggled his eyebrows, which earned another smack.

"No Papi. Not that. Come on please? I went to meet up with Mike yesterday and he also asked if he could join us with Godji."

"Ok fine. But why did Mike bring up Godji all of a sudden? They seem awfully close these days."

"I was wondering the same! I wonder if there is something between them."

"We'll figure that out later. Now get up and take a shower. I'll join you once I get our clothes ready." 

"Y-you mean together?" Gun asked, a blush forming his cheek. 

"Of course Babi. Why are you so shy?" 

"I-I am not! But... can you close your eyes? I need to go to the bathroom."

"I already saw everything last night. No need for me to close my eyes."

"Papi please!"

"I'm going to see you naked in the shower anyway-"



"Why are they so late?" Gun asked himself as he looked at his watch. 

Both Gun and his boyfriends were already wearing their gym clothes as they waited outside for Mike and Godji to come. Off was sitting down on the bench, lost thinking about something. 

"Papi? What are you thinking about?" Gun asked as he sat next to Off. 

"About us... What if we want to get married? Then we have to go to another country, since Thailand doesn't allow gay marriage." 

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