❌Chapter 18: The Answer To My Compression ✔

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Let me be the one to numb the pain away



Bye Babiis!" The four of the boys said their goodbyes, as they went backstage, Gun being the first to get off stage.

His heart is hurting. All those things Off said, is still stuck in his head. He wants to go home and cry his heart out. Kwang was waiting in the main room for the boys, so she could take them out to eat.

"Good jo-"

Before she could say anything, Gun went past her to grabbed his things.
"I am going home." He said as he was about to exit the room, but he couldn't. Off grabbed him by the arm and stopped him.

"Gun. Let's have a talk."

"There's nothing to talk about P'. I'm tired. I want to go home."

"Gun..." Off looked around the room, and saw everyone's attention was towards them. "You guys wait here for a few minutes. I need to have a talk with Gun. We'll be back soon."
Off said as he tried to drag Gun to the hallway, but Gun wouldn't move.

"I don't want to talk today." Off didn't listen to Gun, and harshly pulled Gun outside the room, and into the empty hallway.

"What's going on between them?" Kwang asked as soon as Offgun were out of the room.

"I don't know P'. They were fine... on the... stage." As soon as New finished that sentence, both New and Tay looked at each other. They realized what was going on. They both knew about Gun's crush on Off. It was very obvious how the younger would always give his attention to Off.

"Gun. What happened?" Off asked Gun, who was looking at the floor, ready to cry at any moment. When Gun didn't answer, it annoyed Off. "Gun, I am asking you what happened?"

"P'." Gun looked at Off. His eyes were filled with sadness and tears, and it broke Off's heart. "Who is that person that you love?" Gun asked, trying his best to hold back the tears.

It's you, Off wanted to say, but he wouldn't.

"P'! I'm asking you something. Are you and that person together? You could have told me you had someone you loved." Gun Chuckled bitterly before continuing. "I looked like a fool chasing you all this year, even though you had no feelings for me."

"Gun... that's not it." Off tried to reach for Gun's hand, but Gun moved back.

"What do you mean that's not it! It's exactly like that!"

Off really wishes he could argue back right now, and hug Gun... but he didn't remove.

"P'..." Gun's voice was low. "I want the answer to my confession."

Off's eyes were wide open now.

"I told you how I felt about you, before you went to Korea. You didn't reject me that time... so I thought maybe I had some hopes. But it's all false now. So I'm going to say it once again. I like you... what do you think of me?" Gun confessed once again.

Off was silent. The choice is in his hand. One wrong move, the path in their life changes. Will Gun stay by his side, if he rejects him, like he always did, or will he finally give up?
Off couldn't bring himself to answer that question.

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