Chapter 23

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Stacey and Stevie got off the school bus before running to their front door. The twin teens were feeling giddy and excited. Stacey knocked on the door while her brother happily rambled. Their mother, Mary, opened the door then watched her youngest children step to her and hug her. "Mama! Great news!" Stacey said before they let Mary go. "What is it?" She asked while closing the door.

"The school's plumbing burst and the entire place was flooded!" Stevie said with glee. "I got the call, Stevie," Mary stated. "But how is that great news?" Stevie smiled at his mom before he took her by the hands. "It's great news because the school is going to be closed for a few months. And that means school is closed for the rest of the year since it's almost spring break." He told her. "And we have to find another way to finish school for the lasts few months of the school year. Which means we can go to California sooner and ask Sammy can we stay there longer." Stacey finished before they started to dance a bit.

"Kids, I don't know." Mary began, feeling unsure. "Aww, mom." They both whined a bit. "No, aww mom. You two won't be taking advantage of Sammy and Mercedes like that. Besides, they maybe-." Mary said before the sound of the phone ringing interrupted her. "Hold on." She said while going to the phone to answer it. "Hello?" She greeted. "Hello, Mrs. Evans. It's Mercedes." Mary heard Mercedes greet into the phone.

Jean sat next to Noah while he poured out not only his history with Mercedes but her life. From their childhood together to the day she ended their relationship. Jean watched his close friend and number one client, cry at some memories. Then he would laugh or get mad at others. By that late night and several cans of RedBull, Noah felt a sense of relief at getting it all off his chest. And Jean felt a million dollars of publicity come his way.

"I still love her, Jean," Noah mumbled, feeling drained. "And wish that I could make everything better for her." "Don't worry, Noah." Jean softly said while patting his shoulder. "I'm sure that you'll someday be able to make it all better for her. And that she'll see you as your knight in shining armor. Just like you've wanted." Noah glanced up at Jean and saw concern and a small smile upon his face.

He smiled a bit at Jean before he looked back at the floor beneath his feet. While Noah's staring off and thinking, Jean's features went from understanding, concerned friend to devious and scheming agent. Jean began to plan out his way to fame and fortune for him and Noah.

Stevie was in bed, unable to sleep. He wished he could find out who his mom was talking to. He also wondered why her face showed surprise and happy expressions. What did she and the mystery person talk about? And why did she rush his dad into their bedroom and talk for a few hours before dinner?

He was deep in thought about everything, when there was a knock at his open bedroom door. Stevie glanced over to see his sister at the door. She was dressed in her pajamas while walking from the door. "Hey, Stace," Stevie said, laying in his shorts and t-shirts. "Dinner was great," Stacey said. "I thought mama was going to make sloppy joes. I was surprised when she and daddy ordered pizza."

Stevie sat up, feeling frustrated and huffed a loud sigh. "What?" Stacey asked him. "You know what, Stacey! Mama has been acting weird since that phone call. And daddy has been acting weird since he talked to mama." "And you want to know, right?" Dwight said at the door.

Stacey and Stevie glanced to see their mom and dad walk into Stevie's bedroom before going to sit down on the twin bed across from the one the siblings were in. "Yeah, daddy we do," Stacey replied. Mary cleared her throat and looked between the children. "Earlier, that was Mercedes on the phone." She said, causing them to get excited. "Mercedes!" Stacey said with joy. "Mercedes?" Stevie said in shock.

"Yes. Yes." Dwight said, gesturing his hands to tell them to calm down. "She wanted to let us know what had been going around wasn't true. She even talked to Sam." He said. "I knew it!" Stevie said. "Then I told her I needed to talk to her once your father got home. I told your dad about  school, then Mercedes called back." Mary added. "And before dinner, we talked to her and she wants us to come early," Dwight said right before the kids stood up. They jumped on the bed, screaming with happiness.

"Yes! Yes!" Stacey said. Stevie stopped jumping to look at his parents. "When?" He asked. Dwight and Mary simply glanced at each other before looking back at their kids to smile. "If you both go to bed right now, we'll be able to catch a plane in the morning. Mercedes has it all set up." Dwight stated.

The twins jumped off the bed and rushed to kiss their parents. Stacey and Stevie then turned to hug one another before, Stacey ran out of the room. "Night, everyone!" She yelled heading towards her room. Stevie then went back into his bed and slid under the covers before turning over. "Night, everyone!" He said before his parents lightly chuckled and got up. "Night," Mary said. "Night," Dwight repeated before he turned the lights off and followed his wife out the room.

Christian Jones sat in his apartment and shook his head at the entertainment news program. Mercedes and her ex were back together. And she was getting married. All while raising that bastard child of his. He silently was thankful he lived in Santa Barbara. He could drive up to Los Angeles and deal with this mess of his life, once and for all.

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