Chapter 19

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A/N: I wrote ESPN awards when I was thinking ESPY. I corrected it in this and the next chapter.

"And while I was waiting to board my flight, I called and left you that message." Mercedes stated before sighing. Noah sat back, amazed at the latest drama Christian was in. Sam sat in the chair looking at Mercedes sitting next to Noah as they held hands. He noticed the exes seemed like there wasn't any time away from each other. As if he was away on business and got back in time to learn what happened with her brother. Sam could see the genuine feelings Noah had for Mercedes, all over his face.

To learn that Noah didn't want to leave her and didn't want to break up. That he was heartbroken from it. It gave Sam a lot to think about. "Well," Noah began, interrupting Sam's thoughts. "I'm here for you, Cedes. In whatever you need." Sam glanced at Noah at the same time Mercedes looked at him. She smiled at him before moving to hug her ex-boyfriend. "Thank you, Noah. I'll keep that in mind." She told him.

Sam looked away as they hugged. When they pulled away, he looked down at his bare feet. "I'm sorry you came all this way about this." She told Noah. He flashed a grin and shrugged. "Please, I'm here to see Finn. He wants to ask me something. And I wanted to ask you something." Sam glanced back as Mercedes spoke. "What do you need, Noah?"

Noah took her left hand in both of his and smiled." I was wondering if you're single." He began as he noticed Sam in his side vision. "If you would go to the ESPY awards with me." Mercedes was surprised before a small spread across her lips. "Why me? I mean Noah, I know you don't have a shortage of female fans that would love to be on your arm." She told him. He playfully tugged her hand and smirked. "Please, Cedes. You damn well know I don't mess with those tricks and gold diggers. I want a real, classy, beautiful, intelligent woman by my side. And last I check there was only one woman in the world like that. You." Noah replied.

Sam rolled his eyes hard before he sat back in the chair. "I know we no longer date," Noah said. "But, we're still friends. And until I find a woman that is even a quarter of the woman you are to settle down with, I won't settle for anyone. So, as my friend, can you be my date?"

Mercedes nodded before she spoke. "I would be honored to, Noah." She let go of his hand and stood up. Noah and Sam followed before Noah and Mercedes walked to the front door. "I will text you the information and let you know the when. Then I will pick you up." Noah stated. "Okay." She told him. When she opened the door, they paused to hug one more time before Noah pulled away to see Sam was standing at the living room's foyer. "Nice meeting you, Sam." He said with a small smile.

"Same here," Sam replied, with a blank expression on his face. "Bye, Cedes," Noah said, glancing down at her. "Later, Noah." She told him before he walked out and she shut the door. Mercedes turned to see Sam standing there with a blank look upon his face. Concerned, she walked up to him and gave him a small smile. "Are you okay, Sam?" She asked.

"He didn't break up with you?" He asked her, looking down at her. She watched the expression on his handsome features go from blank to sad. Her smile fell before she shook her head. " What happened?" Sam asked. Mercedes took his hand and lead him into the kitchen to now eat their lukewarm breakfast. When they sat down, she sighed and glanced up at Sam. "I was an orphan. My brother hated me and left me alone. And even though I have the Hummels and my childhood friends, it wasn't the same. I decided to concentrate on getting a career. Then I decided to build up my career, so I wouldn't have to depend on anyone or anything."

He grew concerned at her frame of thinking as he sat up straight. "And that didn't include a boyfriend. Besides, Noah had his budding football career. I didn't want to stand in the way of that. I also didn't want to be on the sidelines when I have my own career to think of. I had to be selfish in order to make sure we both succeeded." She told him in a sad tone. Sam gave her a confused looked as he spoke. "But don't you know that it's not only lonely at the top. It's also lonely on the way up."

She looked away and nodded. "Yeah, I learned that the hard way. And it's why I have the Hummels and my friends around me. I come off as stand-offish, stuck up, and very diva-like." Mercedes explained. "I'm diva-like on stage and career-wise. I keep the pretense of stand-off and stuck up to keep others away. It's a defense mechanism."

Sam got up from his chair and moved next to her. "I know. It's how I got through the first time we met." He told her. "But what made you let me in?" He asked her. Mercedes looked at him before tears welled up in her eyes. "Believe it or not, it's that first time we met." She said, laughing a bit. "You got on the floor and massaged my feet. Without asking, Sam. I could ask you why did you do it."

He reached up to her cheek and caressed it. "Because you looked like you were in pain. And I couldn't stand to see you in pain." He told her in a soft tone. Mercedes looked into his green eyes before she whispered back. "But, you didn't know me." Sam leaned in close, looking back at her brown eyes sparkle with unshed tears. "I know." He whispered, letting his cool breath tickle her face. "But my mind start to think if you were my woman and I saw you hurting like that, what would I do. Then I realized what I would do, so I did it. And I would do it again, Mercedes."

"Why?" She whispered. Sam let a small grin appear on his lips. "Because I'm falling for you. And I want to be the man you want, need, deserve, and love. I want to be the one you come to when the world is too big and bad. I want to be the one you run to or hop a plane for when someone hurts you. Because I will take them all down. I will slay any dragon that you can't slay yourself. I want to be the one you smile at as you did at my sister's and brother's birthday party. I want to be the reason that smile never leaves your face. I want to be yours, Mercedes Jones. I want you to forever keep and cherish my heart. Never breaking it."

Mercedes opened her mouth but couldn't think of anything to say. Sam took the opportunity and kissed her. Their full, thick, pillowy lips caressed and danced with others. Without breaking the kiss, Sam pulled her out of her seat, and on top of his lap. Her hands went up to his neck and into his hair. Sam let his strong arms wrap around her waist before moving his hands down the small of her back and onto her big, round-shaped ass.

He gently held onto it as their tongues danced and touched. Before it got any deeper, Sam broke the kiss letting their foreheads rest against each other. "That was-." Mercedes said when Sam cut her off. "Yeah, it was." He said as they both tried to calm their breathing. "Are you still hungry?" She asked. Sam just shook his head fast. "Me neither." She told him, agreeing. "Can we just go back upstairs and lay in bed together?"

Sam moved her off his lap, so he could stand up. He then glanced down at her and smiled. Mercedes looked up at him, smiling as well. He placed his hand in hers and let her lead him back to her bedroom. When they walked in, Sam climbed in first. He gently pulled her in front of him to hold her. "Tell me something." She said to him. "Okay, " He said, holding her and snuggling close. "How about something I never told anyone," Sam said. "Well, I was eighteen..."

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