The next day, Mercedes and Sam showered then got dressed before they gathered what they came with. The new couple walked out of the room, hand in hand before heading to the office. Mercedes handed in the key and thanked the owner while she paid the bill. Sam got into his truck and drove to where Mercedes car was and hitched it together. When he pulled back up to the office, she opened the door and got in with him, ready to head back to LA.
Sam was focused on driving while his thoughts prepared him to get ready to fight Christian, Rachel, Noah, and anyone who wanted to hurt her. After last night, it was confirmed. Mercedes Jones was going to be his future wife and damn anybody that looks at her wrong or says something maliciously. He'd take them out in a heartbeat.
By the time they had arrived at Sam's place, they both were too drained to deal with anyone else. He parked his new truck and her car in the driveway before they got out and walked up to his front door. Sam unlocked the door, letting Mercedes in and turned off the alarm before heading back out to unhitch her car. She waited at the door, watching him with his task. Sam slowly walked back towards her, seeing her hand extended out. He closed the distance between them then placed his hand in hers, letting her lead him into the house.
Sam paused in mid-step to turn back to the door to shut it with his free hand. He then used it to turned on the alarm before tugging her body against his. "I love you." He whispered. "You know that?" Mercedes nodded while speaking. "I know. I love you, too, Sam."
"Good." He told her, moving his hands up to her face. He began to cradle it lovingly. "We both know the crap that went on before you left is probably still going on. Let's spend one more day in peace before all hell breaks loose, Diva. We'll be well rested and stronger enough together to handle it." Sam told her in a calm tone, making sure he had eye contact with her.
Mercedes continued to stare in eyes, seeing so much in them. Love, honesty, truth, peace, and fierce determination. "Okay, Sam." Was all she needed to say. She knew he wouldn't let anyone hurt her. One more day of calm and quiet was exactly what she needed. Mercedes let Sam lead her to his bedroom, knowing that come tomorrow they had a lot to deal with.
Finn hung up the phone while he sat next to his wife. "How is she?" Quinn asked him. "She's better. Thanks to Sam. They both decided that they needed today to unwind before dealing with everything tomorrow." Finn said with a worried look. Quinn nodded her head silently knowing why he was worried.They knew something Sam and Mercedes had yet to find out. Rachel was spreading lies, Noah's manager was telling things they weren't sure of, and Christian and his lawyer were suspiciously absent after the other day. And that could only mean one thing. He probably was planning something dangerous.

The Model & The Singer
Fanfiction7/18/2024- On HIATUS. Summary: Sam Evans is a high paid runway model about to be tossed aside because he has reached the age limit for him to continue his profession. Feeling low, he starts to wonder if there is another career for him since modelin...