Chapter 35

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Sam rushed to the hospital with Mercedes after Santana called him about the news. He happened to stay the night with her, helping her remain calm so she could focus on the single's upcoming video. Right now, his sister from another mister was about to be a mama. Once there, they went up to the nurse's station and asked where the waiting room was for labor and delivery. They were instructed where to go on the fourth floor. When they stepped off the elevator on the fourth floor, Sam and Mercedes headed to the waiting room when Santana headed down the hall towards them. 

"Sam," She rushed over to them before pulling Sam into a hug. Sam hugged her back before letting her go so she could hug Mercedes. "Mercedes, I'm so glad you both are here."  She told her. "Of course," Mercedes said. "Where else would we be?"  Sam nodded in agreement then spoke. "You know, there's no place I'd rather be. How's Brittany?" He asked after seeing how Santana seemed worried. 

"She's calm and cool, amazingly," Santana told them. "But something's up."  Mercedes glanced at Sam before then focused back on their friend. "What's wrong?" Sam asked. "You know after we got the news she was pregnant and we heard the heartbeat, she started to be secretive about the pregnancy,"  Santana explained.  Sam nodded, remembering when they first learned they were pregnant. "She hasn't let me in too many visits. Only gave me the initial copy of the first sonogram." 

Mercedes gave a look of surprise as she stepped closer. "So, you won't know anything until after the baby is born?" She asked Santana. "Yeah, and I have no idea why she's being like this," Santana told them both. "Mrs. Lopez," A nurse spoke from behind Santana, causing them all to look at her. "Your wife is ready and needs you inside." She said. Santana exhaled a deep breath, giving them both a look. "I'll see you in a while." She told them. "We'll be in the waiting room," Sam told his best friend.  "Yeah, Santana, congratulations to you both. We'll be here."

Santana nodded before running back to the room, leaving Mercedes and Sam alone. "Let's go to the waiting room," Mercedes told him, breaking the silence between them. Sam followed her inside the room before they each picked a seat across from each other.  They sat there looking around, barely at the other when Sam chuckled to himself. Mercedes glanced at him to see that beautiful smile she loved so much which caused her to smile also. "What's funny?" She asked him.

"That we're both acting like we're on an uncomfortable blind date instead of being relaxed like we've been." He told her while shaking his head. "After all, Mercedes, I've seen parts of you that no one has ever seen," Sam said in a serious tone. Mercedes nodded, agreeing before she spoke. "True," She said. "I've never been vulnerable with anyone in this world than I have with you, Sam. Telling you my secrets, my feelings, my dreams, my hopes, and pouring out my emotions to only you." Mercedes admitted. "There's something about you, Sam Evans, that has me throwing caution out the window."

Sam gave her a small smirk while he stared intently at her. "Thank you for those kind words and I did get to know you that way. I am truly honored but that wasn't what I was talking about." He told her. "I was talking about literally seeing parts of you that no one else has ever seen. Like the curve of your lower back, the inside of those perfect, natural kissed inner thighs." Sam softly reminded her as he got up and moved into the seat next to her. "The way you happily squirm whenever I leave a feathery kiss on your spots," He said, leaning in for her to only hear. "How you sigh with ecstasy when I massage your feet and legs then perfectly lotion them before I choose which nail polish color to paint them based on your emotions that day."

Mercedes' brown eyes focused on every part of Sam's face then settled on his pillowy, pink lips telling her the most sensual, sensational, sexy ways he had gotten to know her. She knew the two of them both talked about what was happening between them but did they really discuss what is truly happening. "Sam," She breathed in a surprised whisper. "Mercedes," He repeated in the same way. "What are you trying to say?" She asked, afraid to say how she felt in case what was going on isn't for real. Without breaking eye contact, Sam moved his hands up to the sides of her sweet, gorgeous face. He let his thumbs gently caress her cheeks as he started to smile wider. "I am trying to tell you that what began as a job for the first video then a friendship between us has moved towards something deeper." He said then noticed her eyelids narrowed in confusion. Sam laughed and shook his head once more. 

He leaned in until the tips of their noses touched. She had no choice but to look into his green eyes, seeing how vibrant in color they were. "Diva, what I need you to hear and understand is this. The first video was acting. The second upcoming video we're about to film, won't be. The third and final video, don't be too surprised if I make us forever permanent." Sam whispered loud enough for her ears only. Mercedes watched his smile go back to a smirk before she gasped at the intensity of his look and the electricity between them. 

She saw his head tilt some before her eyes closed. Sam kissed her softly at first then passionately then hot and heavy. They were deep into the kiss when a loud cough inches away from them had them stop to focus on who it was. Sam and Mercedes were still holding each other when they turned their heads to see Santana with a huge smile aimed at the couple.  "I'm sorry to interrupt but my wife just gave birth to twins. One biologically mine, a girl. The other biologically hers, a boy." Santana said while straightening herself back up. Sam and Mercedes let go of each other then pulled her into a group hug before cheering. "Congratulations, San!" Sam said with joy. "Yes, Santana, congrats! Now you know the surprise." Mercedes told her.  Santana nodded, trying not to cry. "Yup. And it was a great surprise. So, Godfather and Godmother, go say hello to my beautiful wife and perfect kids." She said when Mercedes let her go before walking away first. 

Sam was about to follow her when Santana caught his arm, getting his attention. "Sam, you better make an honest woman out of her." She told him. He looked at his best friend with shock. "How much did you hear?" He asked her. "Enough to know that once the videos are over, there needs to be a ring. Or at least a shout to the universe how much in love you are with her." Santana said. Sam gave a wink before wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "You know what, San? I'm way ahead of you with that." He said before they both smiled and walked out of the waiting room.

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