Chapter 33

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Sam focused his green eyes over each of them before he took a step toward. "I decided I will make your lives a living Hell." He said while keeping his anger in check. "Mercedes, Santana, and Lauren can keep this legal and tidy but not me. You caused the woman I have fallen in love with to be in pain. So, until further notice watch your backs." Sam stated, feeling that he was losing control.

He walked up to Sue and narrowed his eyes at her. "Mind your business." He spoke through his teeth. "Egging her on," He told Sue while pointing at Rachel, "Does more damage than you can imagine! Especially when you do it while trying to up your cred!" He then moved over towards Jean and made sure to be all in his personal space. 

"Same thing for you. You'd be amazed at the damage I can do to your career and Sue's. No one would want you to represent them to pick up litter let alone build up their name. I may be a has-been in the modeling world, but I have a lot of connections."  He said as his anger subsided and he began to feel good getting out what has been sitting inside of his head.

He moved over to Blaine before looking him up and down. "Whatever reason you decided to take this case," He stated before cutting a look at Christian, "You need to prepare to lose. Never mind the fact that my best friend is one of the world's best attorneys at law. She now became Mercedes' lawyer on retainer and she's ready to wipe the floor with your ass. It would be best to quit now."

Sam moved over to Rachel and stood away from her with his arms folded over his chest. He looked down at her and made sure she saw the expression upon his face saying how much he judged her. "We had one date." He began before moving his arms away from his chest to hold his right hand up. He held his index finger up and spoke in a deep, menacing tone. "One, Rachel! And it wasn't a good one. Then you and Sue thought that us fake dating would be good for our careers. Only it was your career that got boosted. I was your arm candy! I was your joke! Then you lied to get me to have sex with you. Once and only once!" 

Rachel was about to open her mouth to speak when Sam used that same hand to halt her from her speaking. "Don't! You have no right. Lying about your grandmother dying, when she had already been dead two years! The only reason I had no clue about it before, was that you made sure that no one really knows your past! But thank goodness San knew you couldn't be trusted!" He yelled at her, his face turning red. "I never trusted another woman let alone was with them thanks to you!" 

"Until Mercedes Jones." She mumbled under her breath.  Sam cut her another look. "Yeah, you're right. Until Mercedes. Because for the first time in forever, she was a woman that I was worthy of being with. And I will make sure that I will always be worthy of her. Because I love her." Sam said calming down and beginning to smile. He then walked up to Christian who looked bored and was about to leave. His brown eyes rolled before looking at him.

Sam blocked his path and stared in Christian's face. He stood there with a smug look before he literally didn't know what hit him. Sam balled up his left fist and quickly raised it before it met Christian's glass jaw.  Mercedes' older estranged brother felt his feet lift off the ground. He went backward before landing with a thud. Sam stood over him. "I have nothing to say but that. It was about time someone did it.  You are not only a shitty brother." Sam told him in a disgusted tone, "But you are a shitty son, father, and person. Do your sister, daughter, and the world a favor and just disappear."

Sam was about to turn and walk away before Noah called him out. "Sam!" He began. "What about me?" He asked. Sam turned back some and looked at the pro football player and exhaled a deep breath. "I assume you were innocent in this. I can't hate you for the fact you still love her. So, you can leave in peace. But understand this Noah." He admitted while glaring at Noah with his voice getting deeper. "She's mine. Now and forever. I won't ever let her go."

"What do you mean forever?" Noah asked, even though he was secretly afraid of what that meant.  Sam look off and thought for a second before glancing back at him with a smirk. "I mean forever, Noah. Like 'I now pronounce you husband and wife'. That forever." He told him before passing by Santana to place a hand on her shoulder. "They're all your, San. Have fun." He told her and Lauren before walking away. As Sam left the room, he heard Santana give an evil laugh before speaking. "Get ready, because I'm about to bring the rain."

Two days later, Mercedes along with Emma, Tamara, and the entire Evans family arrived back at her house ready to crash. They spent the last two days going between amusement parks, museums, the wharf to go fishing, and the movies. Dwight and Mary decided to rest until it was time to leave for the cruise. Stacey and Stevie agreed and went to the rooms they picked out. 

Emma thanked Mercedes and Sam before taking a tired but happy Tamara up to bed. Sam and Mercedes sat in the living room before she turned to look over at him. "Sam, ready for bed." She asked him in a soft, sweet voice. "Yeah, I am. So, I better get going." He said before standing up. Mercedes looked up at him in shock before speaking. "You've been going to your place each night. Why aren't you sleeping here?" She asked him with concern. "Was it a mistake? What happened between us at the treehouse resort?" 

Sam simply smiled and closed the distance between them before slipping his arms around her waist. " No. It was perfect. But right now you are spending time with my parents, sister, and brother. So I am being a gentleman. When they leave for the cruise and my siblings are on the other side of the house with Tamara and Emma, then watch out Miss Jones. I'm going to make up for lost time." He softly said while looking down at her. 

He moved his head closer to hers and let his pink, plump lips lightly trail kisses across her forehead. Then they moved down to her cheeks before kissing her chin before moving to her own plump lips. He started to taste the mix of grape-flavored lip gloss, salty buttered popcorn, and blueberry cotton candy from what she ate at the movie.

Mercedes gasped for air, feeling Sam suck the flavor from her lips.  She started to grip onto Sam for deal life as his tongue lightly lapped at the entrance of her mouth before back to sucking the taste off her lips. Just when she didn't think she would make it anymore, Sam reluctantly pulled away, stood back straight, and looked at her with so much love and desire. He stared at her while he licked his lips and caressed her face. "I love you, you know." He told her. "Yeah, I remember you telling me." She replied with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow, Diva," Sam stated before walking away and letting himself out.

Mercedes waited until she heard him use his key and lock the door before she felt like her legs were about to give out. "I need to take a long cold shower." She muttered to herself before turning to rush upstairs to her bathroom.

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