Mercedes sat in the living room of Sam's apartment while Sam went to his bedroom. She glanced around and noticed framed posters of classic movies, like Star Wars, Starman, and Alien Nation on the North and West walls. While on the East and South walls were framed posters of updated movies like Superman Returns, Avatar, and The Avengers. He had a huge bookshelf of all kinds of games, books on the games,and some Sci-Fi books. She got up and walked over to the shelf and took a better look at the titles. "No, way." She muttered to herself with a smile. Mercedes glanced at three books in particular before pulling them off the shelf. She sat down and read each book's back cover and liner notes.
By the time Sam walked out of the bedroom he had changed into a pair of blue sweatpants and a black t-shirt with Nerd humor on it. His bare feet carried him to the kitchen to get ready to cook when he was glanced up at Mercedes with her head down. Mercedes skimmed through each book and by the time Sam sat down next to her, she had her head deep into the third book. Sam had a look of surprise while he stared at her. He had been calling her for the last ten minutes, since he was in the kitchen. He came to see what why she was so quiet and was surprised to see Mercedes was reading.
He reached out to her and let his fingers gently caress her left cheek. The touch brought Mercedes out of the reading trance she was in to look up and see Sam grinning at her. "Sam?" She said in surprise. "How long have you been there?" Sam sat back and continued to look at her. "For a few minutes, but I have been calling you for ten. You are really into that book?" Mercedes closed it and nodded. "Of course! You have a book I always wanted." She said with excitement. "African-American Scientists & Inventors. Then I saw these two books, 15 Famous Black Scientists in History and Neil deGrasse Tyson . I have wanted to buy these books forever. Why do you have them? " Mercedes asked him.Sam looked around the living room as he spoke. "If you haven't noticed, I am a science nerd. I love Sci-Fi. I love nonfiction Science as well. And these are great books to learn from. Especially my man, Neil deGrasse Tyson! He's the coolest, baddest nerd in the world. Well, from my point of view anyway." He said with a goofy smile. "How about we bring our dinner in here and watch my episodes of Cosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey with Neil deGrasse Tyson?" Sam asked her. "Uh, yeah?" Mercedes told him with a look of excitement. He chuckled at her as took her by the hand and lead her into the kitchen.
They gathered their plates of chicken fried rice with egg rolls, sweet and sour sauce, and glasses of diet sprite. Sam let Mercedes walk back into the living room first. Once she sat down, he sat next to her, both placing their plates and rinks on the table before he grabbed the remote to his Roku device. Mercedes watched him concentrate on searching his Amazon Instant video before finding the episodes he bought a while back.
He grabbed his plate before sitting back to eat and relax. As the show began, Sam glanced over to see Mercedes getting deep into the program while eating. Sam smiled to himself while he focused back onto the episode, thinking how these past weeks had been an experience. By the time the fourth episode went off, Sam and Mercedes were in his kitchen cleaning up. "Thank you for a wonderful night, Sam." She said to him as she swept up the kitchen. Sam reached for the tall handle of the dustpan as he stood before her. "You are certainly welcome, Mercedes. And thank you for coming over." He said to her as he watched her sweep the mess he made on the floor earlier.
Sam watched that cute, sweet, sexy smile of hers appear on her lips while she had the broom push the dust and trash into the dustpan. Sam took the dustpan and emptied it in the trash while he thought there was no way he wanted her to say goodnight. He wanted to spend more time with her. He watched her put the broom and dustpan back in their place. He turned to the kitchen sink to wash his hands wondering how to get her to stay. Mercedes walked over and followed suit before they each grabbed a paper towel to dry their hands.
Mercedes felt the quietness between them was deafening and knew that meant it was time to go. She secretly wished that he would ask her to stay a bit longer. She had too much fun with him tonight to just end it. "Well," She said with a sigh. "I guess I should go." Sam's green eyes went wide as he reached out and grabbed the paper towel out of her hands. "No, don't go." He said before he turned to toss them in the trashcan. "It's late, Mercedes," Sam said before he looked down at her. "Too late to go out now. Besides, I was wondering if we can play a game." "A game?" Mercedes said, arching her right eyebrow at him. "What kind of game?" Sam smiled down at her as he reached for her hands. He held them gently before he whispered. "One we can play and we can relax in bed." Mercedes' brown eyes went wide, wondering what he had in mind.
A few minutes later, all the questions in her mind were answered as she lay comfortably in Sam's bed with her shoes off. He was bare feet as well and laying next to her as he finished up telling her the rules. "Okay," She began as they both stared at his ceiling. "So basically this is a game of twenty questions?" Sam lightly shrugged before he spoke. "Sort of. It's about getting anything and everything off your chest. You can ask a question or I can. But basically, it's a no-holds-barred thing. I call it the truth game. So, who goes first?"
Mercedes sighed as she turned on her right side and let her head rest in her hand. "I guess you can go first. But I want to ask a question." She stated. Sam turned his head to see her staring at him. He decided to get in the same position that she was in. "Okay. Shoot." He said.
She blinked a few times before she opened her mouth to speak. "What are your intentions, Sam Evans?" Sam furred his brows in confusion. "About what, Mercedes Jones?" He asked in return. "About me? About us?" She asked him. "He looked off as he thought about before he began to smile. He glanced back at her and leaned in. "There's an 'us'? That sounds promising." He stated before his smile turned into a smirk.
Mercedes chuckled some before she used her free hand to playfully smack him on the shoulder. "Boy, you know what I mean. Now, like the game is called, the truth. Please?" Sam got serious before he spoke. "Whatever it is, Mercedes. If we're meant to be nothing more than friends, then I am totally fine with that. I'm just trying to do better than just getting to know you. I want to know all about you. And I want you to feel the same about me. I want to not only do a great job in these videos, but I want to have a new best friend out of the deal."
Sam saw the surprised look upon Mercedes' face while he waited for her to speak. She cleared her throat before she licked her lips. Something she did when she was in deep thought, nervous, or both. Something he noticed about her these past weeks.
"You don't have any best friends?" She asked him. "I have plenty of friends or acquaintances. But I have only one best friend. And that's Santana. But I would like to have another. You can never have too many friends or best friends I say." Mercedes nodded in agreement before she sighed. "Okay, Sam."
Hours later, they were now both resting their heads on pillows as they faced each other. Their voices barely a soft tone as Sam listened to Mercedes speaking. "He doesn't like me. I mean he admitted that he didn't love or like me. It's like I'm alone in the world. Sure I have Marley, Unique, and Artie. But those are my friends. And sure I have Kurt, Finn, Quinn, Mama Carol, and Papa Burt. And they did take me in and unofficially adopt me. But he's my flesh and blood. My only biological family left." She said, lightly sniffing the tears away. "The only time he came around was at the beginning when he was mad at me for using my inheritance on my dream of singing."
Mercedes glanced to see Sam's eyes closed and how quiet he was. Sighing, she figured he must have fallen asleep. Mercedes turned over on her opposite side and closed her eyes before she felt Sam's strong arm wrap around her waist.
He pulled her close to his body and let her backside feel his strong, solid chest and legs. She could also feel the well-endowed part of him resting through his sweatpants against her thick ass in her jeans.
Her eyes opened while she froze in place. Sam leaned his forehead against the back of her head before he spoke in a hoarse whisper. "Why did you stop speaking?" He asked. "I-I thought you fell asleep." She stuttered. "I'm tired and sleepy, but I was listening." He told her as his warm breath tickled her ear. "Your brother is an asshole. For everything he has and hasn't done. But also for the fact that he walked away from the best thing he ever had."
Mercedes couldn't believe how wonderful it felt to be Sam's embrace. But also what he was saying. She slowly shook her head and spoke. "I don't think so, Sam." He firmly held onto her as he stretched his body behind her. "I do," Sam said before he yawned. "You are this beautiful, great, smart, funny, sweet, and wonderful woman. Mercedes, he should have been honored to have you in his life. Especially as his family. If you were my family I would never let you go. No man would ever let you go. They would have to be the dumbest person on the planet. And that's your brother." He said as his voice started to fade.
She smiled to herself before feeling a yawn coming on. After she released the yawn, she felt sleep take over her as well. "Thank you for that Sam." Mercedes softly said before she closed her eyes. Sam's eyes fluttered open some before he glanced at the back of her head. "You're welcome, Mercedes." He said before leaned in and let his thick, pink lips gently kiss her on the back on her neck. Mercedes responded by snuggling her head deeper into the pillow and the rest of her body against Sam's. Her hand rested on top of his as it continued to hold onto her.

The Model & The Singer
Fiksi Penggemar7/18/2024- On HIATUS. Summary: Sam Evans is a high paid runway model about to be tossed aside because he has reached the age limit for him to continue his profession. Feeling low, he starts to wonder if there is another career for him since modelin...