Chapter 10

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A/N: The singles from Mercedes' album and the videos Sam and Mercedes will be doing are / will be created by me. I don't own Close To You. That belongs to The Carpenters. 

"What's something you notice about me?" He asked her. "You're a take charge kind of man. You have everyone's best interest at heart. But will shoot down anyone who tries to take advantage. You hate liars, cheaters, and phonies. You protect those who mean the most to you. And damn anyone who hurts them." She said before taking a breath. "You want me to go on?" She asked him. Sam sat up and held his hands up in defeat. "I surrender, Ms. Jones. I give you all the secrets of the world." He joked.

Mercedes laughed before she shook her head at him. "You are crazy, you know that. Okay, it's your turn? What have you noticed about me?" She asked him. Sam stared at her, remaining quiet. Mercedes sat up as well before she grew concern at why he wasn't saying anything. "Uh, Sam, it's not a trick question." She tried to joke about him taking so long. "If you can't think of anything good to say-." She said before he cut her off. "That's not the problem, Mercedes." He began. "The problem is I don't want to reveal what I know. I'll end up admitting my truth about it and you may not like it." Sam said, looking at her with an intense stare.

She looked away before Sam reached out to touch her face. "We've been playing around with silly questions as well as thought-provoking ones. But this changes the mood even more. I cross this line I'm not sure if I won't scare you off." He admitted as he let his thumb caress her cheek. Mercedes shivered under his touch as she watched his green eyes stare at her with a look of longing almost. "Just spill it, Sam." She said, sighing and preparing for the worst. "I can take it."

Sam exhaled a deep breath while he continued to caress her cheek. "You are really smart. Very shy. Funny once someone gets to know you. Sensitive. Beautiful. Generous. Sexy as hell. Can hang with the girls and the guys, all while still being all woman. Talented. A gift from God. Caring. Luscious. Kind. Thoughtful. Sympathetic. Empathetic. Honest. Dangerous. Very dangerous." Sam stated.

Mercedes was surprised at all he said. She never thought any of what he said. "Sam? Is that what you really think of me?" She asked him. "Of course." He scoffed. "You don't?" She shrugged some before clearing her throat. "Why did you mention dangerous twice?" She asked him. Sam closed in and let the tip of his nose touched hers. "Because of all of what I said before that. It all makes you so dangerous for me. I'm sitting here fighting with all my power to not kiss you. But all I can see is those tasty lips begging to be licked, sucked, and devoured."

She gasped at his confession before he let her face go. "But I don't want to ruin our friendship by going there. So, I will push the feelings down and be okay." He said before he moved until he was laying back down, staring at the ceiling. Mercedes continued to stare at Sam while he looked up. She fought the smile wanting to break free on her mouth. She got back on her back and stare up at the ceiling with him. "Where were we?" He said out loud.

Mercedes turned her head and spoke. "You rocking my mind with your confession about me." He glanced over at her and saw her smile. He smiled back. "Okay, favorite dishes?" He said as they continued on to more questions and truths.

Mercedes came back from last night's memory as she sat in the stylist's chair. As she got ready for her interview, she couldn't control the happiness she was feeling from their late night talking. Sam Evans was someone that Mercedes Jones had better watch out for. He was a dangerous one. He was starting to look too perfect for her, letting her head fill up with romantic notions and sweet daydreams. "Chill, girl," Mercedes mumbled to herself. "The man says a few sweet somethings and you're ready to skip to the I do's". "Miss Jones, Tina is ready for you." A stage producer called to her from the door. "Thank you." She said before getting up and heading to the door.

Mercedes stood in the wings as she watched famous celebrity talk show host, Tina Cohen-Chang gets ready to announce her. "And now for my next guest. You know her as the million-dollar star with the billion-dollar voice! Miss Mercedes Jones!" Mercedes walked out and went to her where her band was. She stood in front of the mic and waited for the music to start.

Sam was at home resting on the couch as he watched Mercedes dressed in a black sexy goddess mini cocktail bodycon dress. Her hair was in its natural curly state as she stood before the mic in those ridiculous black Jimmy Choos. He lightly shook his head wondering if women ever got cramps in their thighs from being in those shoes too long. He watched her begin to sing her current single, 'At First Sight'. She gripped the mic and glanced out into the audience as she let her free hand pat her side hip to the beat.

Thought I knew what life was about. Constant parties til no end. Red-eyes morning, noon, and night. Yes, people never let up. Even if I wasn't right. Life felt so dull and hopeless until you walked into my life.

Sam lightly bopped his head and watched her brown eyes look from the audience into the camera as she sang the chorus.

At first sight, you came into my life. At first sight, you made the sunshine bright. At first sight, you make my heartbeat skip. At first sight, you made me smile. At first sight, you became a friend. At first sight, I could see me loving you til the end...

Sam's eyes narrowed in confusion as he wondered what that look was about when his cellphone rang, He reached over and answered it without looking at the caller-id. "Hello?" He greeted into the phone as he looked back to see Mercedes still singing. "Hi, baby." A woman spoke on the line. Sam took his attention from the tv screen and looked down at his lap, smiling. "Mama?" He said as he leaned his head back and stared at the ceiling.

"How are you, Sam? "His mama spoke. "We haven't heard from you in a while." "I'm doing fine, mama." He told her. "Mary, ask him about that famous singer!" He could his father yell in the background. "Dwight! Stop yelling! I'm going to ask him that after I see how he is." Mary stated back to her husband. Sam just laughed as he shook his head. "I guess you heard your daddy. We heard on one of those entertainment gossip shows, Stacey likes, that you and this singer are dating?" Mary asked.

"No, mama. It's not like that." Sam said as he sat back up to see Mercedes had finished singing was sitting down to talk. "I work for her. I play her potential boyfriend in a few of her music videos. Santana got me the job." Sam explained. His mama grew quiet for a minute when he heard his dad speak. "Yeah, Santana told us what happened. Are you okay?" Dwight asked. "Yeah, dad. I'm fine. Mercedes is a good boss and a good friend." Sam told them both. "Well, if she's a good friend," Mary began. "Are you going to bring her with you to your sister's and brother's birthday party?"

Sam was at a loss for words. He didn't think of asking Mercedes if she wanted to come to his younger brother's and sister's birthday party. His parents picked up on his silence and spoke up. "I would like to meet her," Mary said. "Yeah, me too. I would like to meet a new friend of my oldest son's." Dwight stated. "We'll see you both soon," Mary said with a smile on her lips. "Love you, Sammy." She said before hanging up. "Yeah, Sammy," Dwight said in agreement. "We'll see you both soon. Love ya, son." He hung up as well, leaving Sam sitting up there wondering if Mercedes would even want to go.

He put the phone down and went back to watching the rest of the interview. "So, none of the songs are about your ex, Noah Puckerman?" Tina asked Mercedes. "You were one of the top golden couples before you ended. Your billion-dollar voice and his multi-million dollar talent." Mercedes shook her head and spoke. "No, none of the songs on this album are about Noah. He has his amazing NFL career and his life. And I have my music and my life. In fact, I haven't had any contact with him since we ended." Tina leaned in, looking interested as she asked her next question. "So, Mercedes, who is the album about? I and all your fans want to know."

Mercedes laughed a bit as the audience clapped in agreement with Tina. "The album is based on a dream I had. A fictional dream guy was the basis of my new album. Nothing else to tell. Just great music that came from a simple dream I had a year ago." She explained. Tina held up the cover of Mercedes' album and glanced towards the audience and the cameras. "And that's what it is. A great album." Tina stated with a smile. "Mercedes' latest album is for sale on Itunes, Amazon mp3, anywhere digital, and in a store near you. We'll be back after this commercial with our next guest." Everyone clapped and cheered before the show went to commercial.

Sam turned off the channel as he thought back to last night and their truth game. "Okay, Sam, truth." Mercedes began. "If you could wish for one thing right now what would it be?" Sam focused on the ceiling as he seriously thought on it before he spoke. "I wish you could personally sing to me. I mean a song that makes you think me." He said. Mercedes glanced over to him before she sat up and look down at him.

Suddenly appear?

Everytime you are near

Just like me

They long to be

Close to you

Why do stars

Fall down from the sky?

Everytime you walk by

Just like me

They long to be

Close to you

(*) on the day that you were born

The angels got together and decided

To create a dream come true

So they sprinkled moondust in your hair

Of gold and starlight in your eyes of blue

(**) that is why all the girls in town

Follow you all around

Just like me

They long to be

Close to you

Repeat (*)

Repeat (**)

Just like me

They long to be

Close to you

Wah... close to you...

After she finished singing, he quietly stared at her in shock. Mercedes cleared her throat before she spoke. "I know your hair brown with natural blonde highlights and your eyes are green, not blue. But the song is what popped in my head when I first saw you." Sam finally spoke as they both noticed his voice went soft. "Why?" He asked. She shrugged before she slowly blinked. "You look like that song was created for you. Like women just want to be close to you." Sam wrinkled his nose as he reached out and cupped her cheek. He shook his head and began to gently caress the side of her face. "Right now, I'm not interested in any other women wanting to be close to me." He told her in a low tone. "All I'm interested in is the woman before me wanting to be close to me." He said, sitting up while he still stroked her cheek.

"Sam." She whispered his name in a breathy tone before she released a small moan. That brought Sam out of his trance. He glanced at her and saw her eyes closed like she was waiting for him to kiss her. He knew he couldn't jeopardize his job, their friendship, or mess her career up. No, they need to just stay friends. He looked at her as the sadness on his face showed that he wishes he could just say screw it and passionately make out with her. Instead, he leaned in and gave her a kiss on her free cheek before he moved to whisper in her ear. "Thank you for that, Angel. Thank you for making my wish come true." He said as he waited for her eyes to open back up. They stared in each other eyes, trying to read the other a few minutes before going back to the game.

Sam rested his head against the back of the couch and exhaled a deep breath. "Dear, God, please help me stay in the friend zone.  Because I swear this woman is gonna be the death of me." Sam spoke out loud as he mentally hoped she would be too busy to go to Ohio with him.

Outfit Mercedes wore:

Sexy Goddess Mini Cocktail Bodycon Dress ( in black)

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