Chapter 32

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Sam parked his truck in front of Hudson-Hummel Entertainment's building before he exhaled a deep breath. "Sam," Mercedes said in a breathy voice. He glanced at her before she gave him a look that spoke so much. "Yeah," He answered her trying to stay brave. "I got a bad feeling about all of this." She told him. Sam didn't want to admit he felt the same. It was as if their world was about to be rocked.  This all didn't sit well with him, but he kept a small smile on his lips to let her know it was all okay.

"I'll be right by your side. We'll handle it together."  Sam told her before reaching over to gently grab her hand and give it a squeeze. That made her feel better before they both let go. Sam silently sighed with relief seeing her smile. He knew taking on both their burdens would be worth it as long as Mercedes would constantly smile towards him.

They knew it was now or never. The couple slowly unbuckled their seatbelts then unlocked the door before they got out. Sam pressed the doors locked and the alarm turned on with one hand while his free hand reached out and linked hers with his. They both faced the entrance then made their way in, walking to the first-floor conference room.

They rounded the corner and walked in to see Santana, Lauren, Carol and Burt, Finn and Quinn, Artie, Kurt, Unique, Christian, his lawyer Blaine, Emma with Tamara, Noah and his manager, Rachel with her manager.  Mercedes and Sam both stopped walking and noticed everyone arguing and shouting with the Hummel-Hudson clan in the middle. Stacey noticed the couple first before silently signaling to her parents and brother. 

The four of them walked over to the couple before Dwight quietly led them outside the room. They each hugged Mercedes first before Sam. "Are you okay, Mercedes?" Mary asked her with concern. "Yes, Mrs. Evans. I'm better than I was." Mercedes told the family while speaking to Sam's mom. "Well, I was until I saw that." She said, gesturing in the direction of the sound of arguing.

"It's brutal in there," Dwight stated. "Emma and Christian with his lawyer are arguing with Santana and Burt and Carol." He informed them. "Then Quinn and Brittany are arguing with Rachel. While Finn and Kurt are arguing with Noah and Jean." Stacey said, nodding in agreement.  Stevie shook his head at the entire situation before he added his bit of information.  "Everyone is in their own small circle, and they're all fighting over you and Mercedes, Sam."

Sam looked at his family give him, and Mercedes looks of worry. He glanced from them to Mercedes before noticing she wasn't at his side anymore. In fact, she was heading back into the room. She stood a few feet away from the crowd of people she knew, sizing them up. Sam and his family brought up the rear while Mercedes focused on the group not realizing she was standing there.

She narrowed her eyes before inhaling a deep breath. She then released it in a very loud, frustrated yell. "Hello!" She screamed out, holding onto the end of the word in a long note. Each of the groups stopped talking to turn to focus on the sound, seeing her stand there with Sam and his family now close behind. At first, Mercedes was worried then scared, now she's just pissed off. 

"Christian, Mr. Anderson, Noah, Jean, Rachel, and Ms. Slyvester," She began to say with her voice still at a loud tone. "On our way here, before we walked into the door, we read every article and watched the interviews. So, here's the truth. Rachel, I respected you and was actually a fan of yours and your career. When we first had that face to face in the Evans' kitchen, I tried to tell you that." She said, focusing on the starlet. "You are disrespecting me and treating less than, is just making me not like any part of you, ever again. But I'm angrier at myself right now than you, for my actions that catapulted the next situation." She stated before turning towards Noah and Jean. 

"I am so sorry that I brought back up an old, long-buried history between us Noah. I so apologize." She said in a softer tone. "I let my insecurities dealing from the aftermath of Rachel cloud my judgment. Having you back in my life opened more old wounds for you. I could never make amends enough to really let you see how sorry I am for that." She told him in a sad tone.

Mercedes watched Jean lean closer to Noah before whispering. "And Jean, please know I never liked you. Back when Noah got famous and met you when we were still dating." She said, her face showing him her distaste for the man. "And now. Out of all Noah's decisions about his career and life, you are the only bad choice he's made. The only reason I never said anything to him or you, is because Noah was happy with how you helped him boost his career." She said with a heavy sigh.

 She then walked up to her estranged brother, his lawyer, and Emma holding the baby. "Christian, I get it. You hate me." Mercedes began to say to him, in front of everyone. "You wish I was never born. You always felt I wasted my money on a dumb career. All the things you let everyone know about how you feel for me. But there's something you don't know. Mama and Daddy knew everything about how you felt." She confessed aloud. 

"The final reason they weren't done with you was that they wanted us to love each other. We were blood and family. You telling me I wasn't planned and a mistake was a lie. They sat me down and let me know it was actually the opposite. I was planned while you weren't." She confessed, causing her older brother to be in shock. 

"That's right, big brother. You were supposed to come in their lives after they were established. It's why they waited to have another child. Me. Daddy and Mama make sure you were taken care of and made the sacrifice while they got themselves together." Mercedes informed him in calm tone. "You were a difficult child, but they never stopped loving you." She told while Sam moved right next to her, taking her hand as his family moved closer also.  

"Meanwhile you have a sweet, lovable baby and you haven't once tried or cared to be her dad." Mercedes stated the obvious. "If they were both here they would tell you to get your shit together and take care of your kid. If you didn't want any, you should have made sure that you couldn't have any." She spat out the truth to her brother. 

"You don't have to physically be there. I nor Emma can't make you. But I will damn sure make it to where you will take care of my baby niece, financially." She glanced at the entire room before speaking one final time. "About the interviews, articles, and rumors. I'll be taking legal action against those who spread the lies and started the drama. Lauren and my new, on-retainer attorney, Santana Pierce-Lopez will be handling that and Emma's case, personally." Mercedes said with angry sigh. "Now leave my family and friends alone. The group of you are not family nor friend." She said, looking away. Her friends and families started to leave out the room first before stopping to hug and welcome Mercedes back.

She then turned to face Dwight, Mary, Stacey, and Stevie. She breathed a sigh of relief, letting her expression change to a softer, bittersweet one. "Now, I owe you all a good time as a family before your trip Mary and Dwight." She said, causing Dwight to step up and place a comforting hand on your shoulder. "You don't have to Mercedes. You've been through so much." He told with a genuine smile.

Stevie nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you need rest." He added. "I got that when I went off by myself before Sam found me. Besides, this is for me also. I need some fun and fun with the Evans family will be a new experience." She said. "Of course it is," Stevie said, causing them all to laugh as they all turned and walked out.

Sam was still standing in the spot Mercedes just left when Lauren and Santana stopped to stand by his side. He was seething while staring at Christian, Jean, Blaine, Noah, Rachel, and Sue. "Don't leave yet," Sam told them in a gruff tone. "Three of us aren't done with any of you yet. Especially me. It's my turn to tell you how I feel and what's going to happen from now on."

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