Chapter 20

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A/N: I wrote ESPN awards, forgetting it's the ESPY awards. I corrected it. As for Mercedes's outfit being, I guess risqué, search "sexy outfits at the espy awards".  Way more revealing and sexier outfits and dresses have been worn there, by plenty of female celebrities and athletes. If you want to feel sexy and are confident about your body, why not. And I'm dressing Mercedes like Amber would. She loves dressing sexy and tasteful which the outfit is. Just because it may not be for one person or not in their story or character, doesn't mean I can't write it or have my version of Amber's character Mercedes dress like it. They are all grown adults living in an alternate universe anyway.

Jean Baptiste sat at his desk getting social media ready for Noah's nomination and appearance at the ESPY awards. He was busy multitasking between Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook, when his cell rang. He pressed the Bluetooth device and spoke. "Jean, here. Time is money and money rules the world."

"Jean, can you scramble a date for the awards?" He heard Noah asked on the line. Jean continued to type and post while he talked. "Sure. But wouldn't you be the third wheel on your big night?"

Noah sighed a happy sigh before Jean could swear he was starting to smile through the phone. "I won't, but if you come with me you might," Noah told him. Jean paused from his multitasking and narrow his eyes in confusion. "Are you telling me, you found a date last minute?" He asked Noah.

His friend and client began to laugh in a weird way. "Are you giggling, Noah?" Jean asked before he removed his hands from the keyboard before him. He sat back and waited for his friend to speak. "Yeah. To both questions." Noah stated. Jean's dark brown eyes went wide as he sat back in his chair. "Who is this new and mysterious woman that has you giggling?" He asked.

Noah felt like he was cloud nine as he was taking a relaxing drive. "She's not so new. And not so mysterious." He told Jean. "It's Cedes. I'm bringing Cedes as my date." Jean bolted up from his seat at the news. "Mercedes Jones!" Jean yelled out loud. "As in one of the world's best singers in the world? As in your ex-girlfriend, Mercedes Jones? As in the woman you wanted to marry and almost proposed to her in high school? The love of your life? That Cedes?"

Noah laughed loudly before he nodded to no one. "Yeah, J. To all of it. That Cedes." He told his friend. Jean sat back down as the shock wore off. "Well, how did you get her to go?" He asked Noah. "I asked her. Plain and simple. She needed me and we talked. Then it came up." Noah explained.

He was surprised and wanted to know more. He was about to ask a list of questions, but his friend cut him off. "Hey, J," Noah said over the line. "I gotta go. Have some last-minute stuff to take care of. I just wanted to let you know to get yourself a date."

Jean stammered while nodding his head. "Sure, Noah. See you there." "Okay. Later." Noah said before disconnecting. Jean stared off, still reeling from the news. He knew the minute they were seen on the red carpet, all eyes would be on them. And suddenly Jean had a new mission. Prepare for the media storm about to come about the latest reunited couple.

Three days later, Sam was at his place sitting on his bed watching the red carpet part of the ESPY awards. He searched for Mercedes but discovered she hadn't arrived yet. While he waited to see her on the screen, his mind replayed days earlier when they were in her bed.

"Sam?" She softly called to him. Sam lay in front of her with his eyes closed when he responded with a soft murmur. "Yeah?" He said. "Thank you." She told him. "About what?" Sam asked. "About Noah and I going to the awards. I know that you and I are only friends." She softly said to him as she kept her eyes on the back of his head. "But I really respect you and our friendship. And I wouldn't want to disrespect you. And I wouldn't want you to feel hurt by me accepting a date to an awards show from my ex."

Mercedes noticed he remained quiet, then started to shift in the bed. She then watched him turn over before he opened his eyes. His green eyes were focused on her for several minutes before he decided to say something. "You're welcome." He told her in a soft, sexy tone. "I know you need this. Get your mind off your troubles. Even if it's for just one night."

She smiled at him and noticed that it reached up to her eyes. Sam smiled back, but inside he felt like punching a wall. Or maybe punching Noah's face and pretending it's a wall. Or maybe put Noah in front of a wall, then punch him.

His thoughts were interrupted when she reached out and let her fingers gently run through the front of his hair. She would start at his forehead before letting them carefully work their way up to his scalp. Then from his scalp, they would move up and through his thick sandy colored tresses.

She did that for an hour before falling asleep. Once Mercedes was asleep, her hand slowly trailed away from his head and to her pillow. Sam closed his eyes and exhaled several slow, deep breaths. He patiently waited for his body to stop tremoring and his heartbeat to finally slow down.

Once it did, he rested his head deep into his pillow before he turned back over. He couldn't understand how she couldn't see the effect she had over him. She was just being herself and it would drive him wild. Mercedes was naturally beautiful. She was funny without being fake. Smarter than anyone could know. And sexy and didn't know it.

She was perfection and his dream but going on a publicly viewed date with her ex. An ex that looks at her almost the same way he does. Sam knew the day of the awards would be murder for him.

He decided that he didn't want to be there when Noah picked her up. So, he went home and kept his distance. And now it was almost time for the awards. Sam sat there watching when he noticed Noah. He was dressed in a simple black tux with a long black tie. His black dress shoes completed. As Noah walked his eyes along with everyone else's were focused on the body next to him. Sam sat up and leaned forward to take a good look at the person on his huge, flat-screen TV.

His eyes went wide and his mouth dropped at the sight. It was Mercedes. He didn't even recognize her for a split second. She had her hair pulled and pinned so that her long hair was cascading off the right shoulder. Black eye shadow made her brown eyes look lighter. While the dark Burgundy color lipstick made her lips look like they needed to be kissed.

She wore a deep red colored dress that had an asymmetrical cut at the bottom of it. It showed a lot of leg and showed the world the Mercedes was a very sexy, attractive woman. Sam looked away and grabbed the remote. He pushed the power button, turning the TV off.

He decided that he needed to turn off the TV before he broke it. Sam knew he needed to get out and blow off some steam. He got up and decided he would take a long run, before heading to the gym to lift some weights. Watching the world see Mercedes in a way he's seen her since he could remember wasn't safe. Sam knew the more he saw, the more he would want to head there and drag her out before making her all his.

"Calm down, Evans." He told himself as he went to the front door and got ready to leave. "You're both friends. Nothing more. Nothing less. You have no right to claim her. " He locked the door and paused before looking sad. "No matter how much you secretly wish you could." He mumbled to himself, before starting to run down the path from his home.

Mercedes' outfit for the awards

Mercedes' hairstyle for the awards

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Mercedes' hairstyle for the awards

Mercedes' hairstyle for the awards

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