Chapter 11

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A/N: I changed Finn's and Kurt's info and had to go back and change a bit more..because I made them adopted brothers and this chapter explains it.

Four months later...

While Mercedes was promoting her album and the first single's video, Sam learned that the entire team would be preparing to shoot the second video in a few months. He also learned that the third and final video would be shot later in the year in the same area. He was busy packing up his main possessions while making sure the furniture was covered up. When he and Mercedes spent time together the past month, it was at her place or at one of her friends' place.

He was at his apartment putting all the boxes that will be traveling with him when he received a call from Santana. "Hello, San." He greeted as he stood in his living room staring at all of the boxes. "Sam, are you packed?" She asked him. "Yup." He said." Just placed the last box in the living room. I was about to call you and see what's the location." "Well, make sure you have plenty of cool clothes and lots of suntan or sunscreen handy. We are all headed to Cali, baby!" She screamed into the line. Sam laughed before he stopped quickly. "Wait. You're moving to California? As in the entire company?" He asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes, Mike," Santana said to him, using one of his childhood nicknames. "Britt is pregnant and she wants up to place roots in a place where we can have a great home and yard." Sam grinned before he let out a loud whoop. "What? You and Brittany are going to have a baby? Yes! I am so happy for you both!" He told her in an ecstatic tone. "Yup. She's pregnant with triplets." Santana explained as he went to sit down. "The doctors implanted three of my eggs and two of her eggs after they fertilized them. Well, two of mine took and one of hers took. She wants to be a stay at home mom and I felt since you and I are still building your career back and you're moving." She paused as Sam finished for her. "That it was the perfect time for you to move before your family grows."

"Yeah, Sam. I mean we can stay if you feel like we're crowding you." Santana told him. "What? Hell, no!" Sam replied. "You and Britt are family. Especially family away from family. We three grew up together and my family would feel at ease to know that I have someone nearby. Speaking of family, you know you gotta call them." Santana sucked on her teeth and he could imagine her turning up her nose. " They don't care. Well, mom does. The rest don't." She said.

Sam shook his head as he sighed. "I know San. But I meant mine." "Oh!" She said, perking back up. "Most def! After I get off the phone with you I'm going to call them. But I want to let you know you need to find you a place. That's what's Britt's doing right now. Los Angeles is the set up for our location for the new office." Sam nodded before he spoke. "Got it. Is that all?" He asked.

"Yup. Oh, wait. Britt wants to speak to you. She has something she wants to ask. And I'll see you when we get in Cali. Lata gata." Santana spoke in a rushed tone. "While, dile." He told her, laughing before he could hear her hand the phone over to Brittany. "Sam! Did you hear?" Brittany said in an excited tone. He chuckled before he spoke. "Sure did, mama to be! I know you and San are gonna be the best parents I know. Well, aside from my own." "I hope so, Sam. I can't wait to learn what the sex of each of them will be. But I need to know if you would be their Godfather?" She asked him.

Sam was taken aback as he didn't see that coming. "What? For real?" He asked in shock. "Yeah. You have been a great best friend to us both through the years. And you also supported us when no one would or before anyone did. Santana and I knew there wasn't anyone else." Tears formed in his eyes as he couldn't help but smile. He nodded slowly at the air and answered. "I would be honored, Brittany. I can't wait to spoil them." He admitted. "Great!" She said with happiness in her tone. "I'll talk to you later. Love you!" She sang into the phone. "Love you, too. Tell San, I love her as well. Get some rest." He told her. "I will. Bye, Sam." Brittany said before she hung up.

Sam sat back and thought about the good news he just learned. He was truly happy for his two friends and knew they were going to be great at being parents. He exhaled a content sigh as he got up to search for his laptop so he could find a new place to live. He decided that he needed to just pack up everything and move it to California. Getting a condo or a house would be better than renting another apartment. If or when he came back to New York, he could rent a loft or stay in a hotel.

(Days later in Southern California...)

Mercedes sat on the couch of the Burt and Carole Hummel listening to everyone laugh and have a great time. It was one of those impromptu family gatherings they usually had, ever since she was unofficially adopted into the family. When Burt and Carole dated then got married, it was good news for Kurt, Finn, and Mercedes. The three of them had known each other since they could remember and lived in the same multi-ethnic neighborhood in Maryland. Burt's wife died when Kurt was a baby and Carole's husband ran off when Finn was a baby. The adults were mutual friends of Mercedes' parents, Julia and Martin Jones. They bonded over the Jones' weekly get together dinners. And by the time their sons were three, they got married. The next year, Carole legally adopted Kurt and Burt legally adopted Finn.

Finn decided to use his old last name as a middle name since he didn't have one. And his name became Finn Hudson Hummel. He, Kurt, and Mercedes grew up together and became thick as thieves. The trio turned into a quintet in high school when fourteen-year-old Quinn Lucy Fabray transferred from an all-girls school in Washington D.C. and fourteen-year-old Noah Puckerman came from Baltimore. The five of them were really tight. Kurt came out to his family, Mercedes' family, and his friends his freshman year of high school, but chose to remain in the closet until graduation. He was the fifth wheel to Quinn dating Finn and Noah dating Mercedes.

He didn't mind because they protected him and kept him safe. Life was great for all, until their senior year of high school. Just four months before their friends were all about to graduate, tragedy struck one of them. A drunk driver's truck collided with the car of Martin and Julia Jones. They were coming home from a New Year's Eve office party Martin had for his entire dental staff. They were sober and tried to get out of the way of the swerving automobile. Their older son Christian was away at college and Mercedes spent the night over the Hummel household.

Burt and Carole were emergency contacts and received the news that night. Burt, Carole, Finn, and Kurt put Mercedes in a circle and gave her a tight hug. They let her cry before Burt called Christian. The funeral was a few days later and Mercedes was in another loving circle but this time it was Finn, Kurt, Quinn, and Noah all hugging her and sharing tears of sadness. After the funeral, the Jones children were surprised to learn that there was a will. It was read at the Hummel house. The lawyer said the house went to Christian since he was older and would be in charge. They also each received half a million dollars.

Christian needed to head back to school. He was in his last semester before graduating. He also seemed distant and cold towards Mercedes. She thought that he would be there and he was ready to leave. But before she could feel alone, the Hummels were there like always. And so she wouldn't feel alone, she stayed with them mostly. By the time graduation rolled around for her and her friends, she packed up all of her belongings and things of parents that she wanted. They were safely in storage while she concentrated on graduating, still healing from the loss of her parents, and dealing with her estranged brother.

By the time graduation was over and done, Burt and Carole called a family meeting. Mercedes was asked to join them as the grown-ups announced they were moving to Berkley, California and if they wanted to move with them, they could. The teens were overjoyed and quickly said yes. When Quinn and Noah came over the next day, they talked about it and wondered it would mean for the couples. That's when Quinn had an idea. She had first pick of several schools and there were two in California she could choose from. Noah agreed with the idea and said he had been trying to decide between the University of Maryland and UCLA. The five of them were happy as can be.

Mercedes sighed, feeling content as she came back from her thoughts when her smartphone rang. She reached for it and saw it was Lauren calling. "Hey, Lauren." Mercedes greeted into the line. "What's up?" She asked her agent/manager. "Mercedes, I got some major news that will rock your world." Lauren began before taking a deep breath before exhaling. "What's wrong, Lauren?" Mercedes asked, growing concerned. "I have a woman in my office named Emma Pillsbury with the most adorable baby and she needs to see you," Lauren told her. Mercedes narrowed her eyes before they locked with Kurt's. "So? What does this have to do with me?" Mercedes said, confused.

"The baby's name is Tamara Julia Jones. She's named after her Aunt Mercedes and her late grandmother." Lauren stated in a quick breath. "Miss Pillsbury claims your brother, Christian, is the daddy and he keeps denying he is."

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