Chapter 17

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Santana started to pace as Brittany rubbed her belly, silently hoping that Rachel leaves soon. Brittany knew the minute Rachel sticks her foot in her mouth, Santana won't hesitate to keep her promise from earlier. She watched her wife get angrier, while Sam and Rachel continued to have their stare-off.

"Sam." Was all Rachel could say before he cut her off. "Tell me what you told her," Sam said, narrowing his green eyes at her. If looks could kill, Rachel would have been decapitated then dismembered right on the spot. "I-I told her that her act wouldn't work. That she needs to stop trying to play friends with you. She will never have you. I was your first in everything." Rachel rambled as she rubbed her arms. Rachel wasn't sure if the chill she felt was from the cool air or the three pairs of eyes focusing on her.

"What!" Brittany and Santana yelled at her. Santana stopped pacing and stood by Sam's side while he remained silent. "What else, Rachel?" He asked, demanding her to tell him. "That I didn't care about what was going on with her. But if she needed to cry on someone or a shoulder to lean on, then she should go find her ex and stop hanging around mine." Rachel stated as she got worried about Sam's quiet demeanor. She mentally wished that he would blow up like Santana. At least she could get prepared on how she should handle him.

As he stood before her with his arms folded and a look of disgust and anger, she saw he was too calm. More calm than usual. "There's more I can see it on your face." He told her. "That should be enough, Sam!" Santana said. "I say let me go all Lima Heights on her ass!" Brittany glanced around and saw everyone had left and they were the only ones left in the backyard.

Rachel sighed and continued. "She said to say goodbye to everyone and you. I told her that I would tell Stacey and Stevie she said bye. Then I showed the door. She took the car you all arrived in and headed to the airport." Santana lunged at Rachel before screaming at her. "You skank! Do you know what we had to do to get that woman out the sadness she was in a while back? No! You don't. Because you don't know anything! That's it! I warned you, Berry!"

Sam and Brittany quickly grabbed her and held her back as Santana started to curse at Rachel in Spanish. "San!" Sam said, giving his deep voice a boom that made all three women stare at him in surprise. Sam moved Santana back then stepped closer to Rachel and cleared his throat. "Rachel Berry, yes you were my first. Yes, in all the ways I guess you think that count. But you forget my first time with you was my last. I never had sex with you again. You became clingy, controlling, and devious. We were over before it truly began. I worked with you longer than I dated you."

Rachel's brown eyes widen at Sam's confession, while he continued. "No one likes you. They put up with you. Especially my friends and family. They put up with you because of me. They put up with you today because they are kind people and it was my sister's and brother's birthday. Which you managed to fuck up the final moments for them. Now I have to clean messes from all sides, thanks to you." He told her while shaking his head.

"Rachel, I am done with you. I don't want to work with you. Or be seen in the same places as you. Or in the same circles are you. You don't exist to me. Before you leave my home and my world for good, is there anything else you said to her?" Sam asked her. Rachel looked off and hesitated to say any more. Brittany caught her eyes looking guilty and shifty. "What else happened?" Brittany asked softly.

Rachel cut her a look. "Stay out of this, blondie!" She spat at Brittany. Santana raised her fist and Sam caught it before it could move any further. "Rachel, what else." Rachel chewed on her bottom lip for a second before speaking. "When she came out of the bathroom she was looking at the phone and it looked like she was crying," Rachel explained. "When she saw me she was telling me she was a fan of mine before I cut her off to tell her everything I told you."

Sam let Santana's hand go before walking off. Rachel glanced back to see Santana's arm move back. "No, Santana!" Rachel pleaded. "Sam said don't." Santana narrowed her eyes and gave a smirk before she spoke. "He didn't say don't. He didn't say anything. But he did let my fist go and walk away."

Santana's fist met Rachel's nose, causing her head to go back. "That was for yelling at my pregnant wife and hurting Mercedes." "Ow!" Rachel said, holding her nose while keeping her head back some. Santana walked behind Rachel while she was distracted. She raised the tip of her shoe and kicked Rachel on the back of her calf, hard. The young woman was caught off guard and buckled before falling forward on her knees. "And that was for trying to worm your way back into Sam's life. I told you I would cut you off at the knees. Now, get up and leave."

Rachel got up and saw the blood from her nose dripping on her shirt and the grass. She was lead in the house by Santana and Brittany then out the front door and put in the car waiting for her. Once they made sure she was gone they went back in and went to the family room. They could hear Stevie and Stacey talking to their parents and Sam.

"It's not fair, Sammy!" Stacey cried. "She didn't say goodbye. She just left." Stevie folds his arms and looked away. "I guess she didn't want to hang around a bunch of teenagers. She probably wanted to be at some fancy celebrity party." 

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