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August 3, 1984


Here I was, at the house door. I got here, with the very little amount of stuff that I was able to sneak out.

How did I get here, you ask?


I was always overly sensitive in my life. I mean, I never really had a reason to.

Anyways, about 10 years ago, there was this dickhead named Cody. Aggressive against everything you say, I asked him for a pencil and he shoved me to the ground. I hated him with every part of me.

So apparently, he liked me. Despite him acting like a dick to me, he liked me.

So one day, I confronted him about it. He was pissed, to say the least.

He tripped me onto the concrete. He kicked me in the stomach, but then, right when I got knocked out after him punching right square in the jaw, knocking me out cold. I guess 

I started to wake up, I was in someone's arms. He looked filipino, and had long, black, curly hair. He was in my grade, a year older than me, even though everyone in the grade was.

 Brushing my auburn hair out of my face, he smiled, when he saw my narrow violet eyes. "W-What happened?" I asked, confused.

"I saw you get knocked out by Cody. I helped you up, and I'm taking you to my house to help your wounds." He gave me a toothy smile.

My mom became best friends with his mom. Little to my knowledge, that one incident would build up the rest of my life, and I had a best friend for life.

Then, that one day came. My mom was... angry, I guess. She was very drunk, but then again, that was the norm for me. I always expected a fight from her when she was drunk, but I didn't now it'd go very far.

But it did. Of fucking course it did.

She had a knife. It was.... scary as hell. She stumbled towards me, and I was too scared to move. I had a sharp pain in my shoulder, and all of a sudden, I was in the hospital.

There was Kirk, James, Lars, and... Cliff. I had never met Cliff, but I had seen photos and heard of him. I doubt Kirk had told him a lot about me, though. I wasn't that interesting anyways, so I doubt that he would of.

That moment was... bittersweet. My mom got arrested, but only for a year.  A fucking year for child abuse and attempted murder. Well, probably not child abuse considering I was, what, 19? But, I met Cliff Burton. I got a bunch of affection from Kirk (but not the others for some reason.) And I felt.. free. I didn't know what I was free from. But I was free.

I could of lived in my mom's house, yes. But 3 months there and I had some sort of PTSD. I hated it there. So I called Kirk and asked if I could live with him and the band. He obviously said yes, even though I had thoughts that he wouldn't.

And then, I packed up my shit and left. I got the rest of my remaining money and left. They didn't live that far, but it felt like a while. 

I got on the bus, and soon, I was at their door. I raised my hand, as if I were going to knock. But soon the door flung open.


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