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(I've never written smut or anything close to dirty and there's some dirty things in here, feel free to tell me if I did terribly, and yeah, this is a.. somewhat smutty warning??? I really don't know any more)

It was next morning, I was sitting at the desk. I was writing and drawing stuff, and then I made something. It was a puppet, held by the strings around it's arms and legs, itself not being able to control itself. Above it, I wrote the caption:

"Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings."

It was cool, and I liked how creepy it sounded. Until, in the room besides mine (James), and I heard a raspy, familiar voice talking to James' voice.

"How do I tell her? She might not like me, hell, she might like Kirk more." I heard the raspy voice. Cliff??

"The thing between Kirk and her is just friendship, you know. May not seem like it, but it is." I heard James reassure him.

"She barely knows me! I bought her records and kissed her, that's it!"Cliff yelled, James shushing him immediately.

"She'll hear you, be quiet!" He whisper shouted, me still being able to hear it. "How about I ask her in a couple days if she likes you."

"What are we, third graders? That'll never fucking work!"

James huffed. "I like that idea. I'm still going to do it, but I have an idea." He took in a breath. "Everyone but Ally knows you like her. Lars ships you intensely, so I could ask him this, Once, when we're all home and everyone but Ally knows what we're doing, Lars could..." 

Then his voice became quieter, then after staying there for a bit, I couldn't pick up a single word. Sighing, I grabbed my Metal up your ass tanktop and black jeans. Fuck you, let me wear as much black as you want. I felt the need to take a shower, so I ran to the shower.

Opening the door to the bathroom, I sighed as I took off my shirt to reveal my sports bra. Not too revealing. Hearing the door open behind me as I took out my ponytail, I turned to see Cliff. "Sorry, were you about to take shower...? I'll go now.."

"Wait! No!" My mouth cut in before I could think. "This is the only shower in the house, I wouldn't mind if we..."

"Together? But we'll be naked and-"

"The last three nights we slept together half naked, you know. So please, we'll be fine." I said, slipping my shorts down, him taking his bell bottoms off. Slipping of his denim jacket and Misfit's tanktop he loved to wear, he was left in his boxers and me in my bra and panties. 

Turning on the shower (and Cliff probably along with it), I took off my bra and panties and threw them with the other clothes, I jumped into the shower. Him slipping down his boxers, he came in with me.

If I fuck her, she'll just think she's a groupie to me and think we won't have any emotional relationship. Unless she wants to, I'm not going to fuck her. Cliff thought.


Ally seemed to ignore my growing erection, her running her hands through her hair. The water on her body made her even more sexy. Dammit! Stop thinking this!

Whipping around, Ally smiled. "Can I wash you fabulous hair?" She asked, smiling.

"Only if I can wash yours." I smiled, Ally having a weird look in her eyes. Before I knew it, she put her hand on my cheek and leaned forward and aggressively kissed me. Stopping the makeout session after 6 or 7 minutes, she went behind me, getting some soap along the way, she started scrubbing into my hair. 

Eventually, after we washed, and made out with each other, we got out of the shower, and got dressed.


uwu i did it

my next chapter will be good

Ⓓⓨⓔⓡⓢ Ⓔⓥⓔ ~ Cliff Burton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now