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Some time after we went to the record store (the old cashier was there and got extremely scared), it was about 9. But we had too much coffee and laid around all day, so we still had energy. 

"Yo. Let's go to the diner, get some burgers, then act like the 14 year olds in High School, act romantic and watch the stars like we're crazy lovers." Cliff chuckled, and I nodded, me gripping  his hand, us running to the car.

A lot of Metallica was on today, and Whiplash came on.

"Late at night, all systems go, you've come to see the show!"

We do our best, you're the rest, you make it real, you know." Cliff started.

"There's a feeling deep inside that drives you fuckin' mad

A feeling of a hammerhead, you need it, oh, so bad." I sang out.

"Adrenaline starts to flow!

You're thrashing all around!"  Cliff yelled along, eyes on the road but still singing.


"WHIPLASH!" We sang in unison.

Smiling, we sang along to the song, until we arrived and the song ended. Running in, we sat down at a table. A girl, about my height walked up to us. She had a black choker on, a black beanie. She, of course, had to have a uniform on, but she looked good in it, fitting her perfectly. She had a long, blue ponytail, and green eyes. She looked very innocent, but what she said next surprised me intensely.

"Hi. My name is Starr, what would you like to order today?" Looking down at my chest, her eyes widened when she saw my shirt. "Metalheads?" She smiled.

Cliff seemed to like her (but not as much as he liked me). "Yup, both metalheads. Are you one?" I asked her, smiling.

"Yup. Big Sabbath fan. And don't think I don't recognize you." She smiled, looking down at Cliff. Hearing a cough behind her, a bald, middle aged man stared at her. Sighing, Starr looked down at us. "What would you like?" She asked us, rolling her eyes at the middle aged man. 

"Can we have two burgers, and two large fries with 2 diet cokes?" I said, flashing her an apologetic glance.

Nodding, she pushed her heart shaped glasses up her nose and ran into the kitchen. About 10 minutes after she was in there, she brought out the food. Her boss had left to the office. "Here you go guys. Oh, and," She said, taking out a piece of paper from her pocket. Looking down on it, I saw a number. "I thought you seemed cool. I have to work a late shift today, maybe we could hang out together sometime?" She smiled down at me, flashing her bright, perfect, white teeth.

"Tomorrow, definitely." I smiled back. A group of 14 year olds walked in (despite it being 9) and waved towards her. 

"Can you seat us?" The one in front yelled at her, Starr shaking her head in annoyance.

"This is the third time this week that you've been here, you know you can seat yourself." Starr sighed, smiling once last time before she left to help the kids. Standing up, we took our food, and ran outside to the car.

 Blasting Hallowed Be Thy Name, we sang along until we came to a hill in the park that was completely clear. Parking the car quickly, we ran to the hill with the food. Staring up at the stars, I snuggled up to him as we watched the stars. After finishing were food, we stayed there, just staring up at the stars. 

Leaning down, he surprised me by leaning down for a solid kiss. He shocked me immensely with with the next question.

"Happy birthday by the way, will you be my girlfriend?"

Ⓓⓨⓔⓡⓢ Ⓔⓥⓔ ~ Cliff Burton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now