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Ally's birthday chapter (this one) is dedicated to @larsswig ! Thank you for being such a big part of my story and happy birthday!


It was the next morning, I shot up at my alarm. I was a natural at waking up very early, as I sat up and smiled. 

It's my birthday.

Looking around, I sighed happily. It was about 7, I made sure to wake up early so I could get a good breakfast, and I made sure I would sleep 7 hours and make sure I was awake before the boys, considering they (and I, could admit) wake up at 11 or 12. Jumping out of bed, I threw on my favorite Slayer shirt that I wore a lot, and black jeans. I threw on my battle vest that I only wore on special occasions, smiling as I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was extremely fuzzy, but barely frizzy. It was fluffy, almost as fluffy as Slash's.

Running out of my room, I threw on my combat boots and ran out. Running out to a nearby donut shop, I grabbed a dozen donuts, running home. I could make some coffee for us, I wasn't willing to ruin my shirt or battle vest or jeans or anything I was wearing just so me and the boys could have coffee that isn't as good as mine.

Practically kicking the door down, I jumped in to find everyone awake. "I HAVE BROUGHT BREAKFAST!" I screeched, throwing the dozen of donuts box onto the table.

"Why the fuck are you even awake? You're supposed to be asleep so we can wake you up!" Lars spoke out, surprised. 

"It's nice to see you too, Lars." I joked, smiling.

James ran into the room. His eyes brightened as he saw me, then yelled "GROUP HUG!" As he ran towards me. Following behind him, a stubby legged Lars behind him, as both of them hugged me tightly. Kirk almost tackling me, Cliff following behind him.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Cliff yelled, pushing everyone away and giving me a tight hug, no space between us. The hug lasting for a minute, James started sneaking towards the table where the donuts were.

"WAIT FOR FUCKING ALLY!" Cliff screeched. Taking my hand, he ran towards his room.

"I have to wish you happy birthday without those sluts interrupting." Picking me up, he held me in the air, throwing me into a hug. Spinning me around, he planted a couple kisses on my cheek. "Happy birthday, by the way." He smiled as he carried me to where everyone else was.

"Done fucking?" James smirked, trying to sound funny.

"Yup, we made sure it was quick." Cliff smiled back.

Ⓓⓨⓔⓡⓢ Ⓔⓥⓔ ~ Cliff Burton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now