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It was the next day, the day before my birthday. The past two days, after I found Cliff. I haven't eaten since then, I tried to, but I couldn't. I had anorexia before, and I fought to get out of it. I was worried I was going down the same path.

"Ally..." James stood in the doorway. "You need to eat. Please." He looked desperate.

"I'm not hungry." I tried to speak in my regular voice, which only ended up as a whisper. 

Looking down, he shook his head. "I'm bringing Kirk over. He seems like the only person you'll talk to."

"Thank you." I whispered.

Walking out in the hallway, he called out "KIRK! ALLY NEEDS YOU!"

He called Kirk as Kirk, not Quirk or Kork or anything else, he seems really desperate for me to be happy.

Seeing Kirk walking in, he sighed. "Are you alright? Please? Can you just have a little food? For me?" Kirk said.

Shaking my head, Kirk sighed. "I'm cold." I said quietly.

"Are you implying you want to cuddle?" Kirk said, giving a small smile.

"You know it." I nodded, him jumping into the bed. Wrapping his arms around me, I snuggled into his chest, sighing.

"Aren't you supposed to be happy? Your birthday is tomorrow." He said, trying to cheer me up. 

"You know my mom never celebrated it, never gave me presents. I never liked birthdays, you, James, Lars and my dad were the only one that celebrated. I just don't like my birthdays anymore." I sighed, snuggling into Kirk more.

Not responding, Kirk just planted a light kiss on my forehead as I cuddled into him more, as I saw a tall figure walk in through the door.

What the fuck does Cliff want?

"Kirk, can I talk to Ally alone?" Cliff croaked sadly. Nodding, Kirk stood up and walked out, shooting me a small, sad smile. Looking down, I heard Cliff sigh, as he started.

"I was drunk and high. Dumbass mistake. I was out of my mind." He took another breath, as if he was going to say something that would be hard to say. "I do like you." Looking around, he looked to see if no one was around. Realizing no one was around, he inhaled again. "I... love you, I could say in a way." He confessed. "And I apologize for what I have done."

Standing up in a dash, I gave him a bear hug, almost tackling him. Swooping up immediately, I kissed him straight on the lips for a second. " I forgive you. It was all just a mistake. You didn't mean it." And smiling for a second, I added "It takes balls to confess. And honestly, I was waiting for you too. I love you too."

"You...love me?" He asked.

"Of course." I gave him a toothy smile.


haha this is how fluffy this going to be before shit goes down

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