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We walked, hand in hand, as the clouds became darker above us like it was about to rain . Shit, I should of brought a jacket. Walking into the store, I felt someone tug on my hand, bringing me into an aisle. Looking around, I looked up to the sign in front of me. Heavy metal, it read off.

"Ally! Ally! Ally, look!" He said, pointing to to vinyls. It was Kill em' all and Ride the Lightning.

"Eh. Their music is fine." I teased him. Giving me a fake frown, he lightly punched me in the arm.

Sighing, I remembered when I was packing frantically 3 days ago. I packed a couple cds, but besides that, I couldn't pack any vinyls.

"What's wrong?" He asks, looking concerned, looking down, straight into my violet eyes.

"I had a bunch of vinyls brought as gifts from my dad, and sadly, I couldn't bring them." I shook my head, trying to clear my head. 

"What was some of your favorites? Just list three, that's all that's needed." He said.

Raising an eyebrow, I said "I don't need you to-" He cut me off, putting his fingers on my lips.

"I didn't say that. Now just say the three favorite vinyls of yours." He said, smiling.

"Paranoid, The Number of The Beast and I'll be lying if I didn't say Kill em' all." I said, giving my rare, small but toothy smile.

Pretending to be surprised, he covered his mouth with his hands. "She's happy! My task has worked!"

"Yes, and now we can leave. We looked at stuff, discussed memories, now I'm in a good mood, we can leave." I said, wishing he won't buy anything for me.

"Oh no honey, I can't get your hopes up about albums and not buy anything for you, especially for someone who's been a sunshine in my life." He gave me a smile.

"I'd feel warm and fuzzy inside, but I think the beer has gotten to my system." I joked with him. 

"Onto Ozzy!" He joked, pulling me by the hand towards where the Black Sabbath stuff was. Grabbing a vinyl of Paranoid, he smiled down at me.

"Are you sure you want to waste your money on me?" I asked nervously. I wasn't used to people other than Kirk and my dad buying me stuff.

"Of course. Will it make you feel better that I'm telling you this money will go to Ozzy?"

Chuckling, I nodded. "That made me feel 169% better."

Running towards to the Iron Maiden, we got the Number of the Beast before stopping at Cliff's own band. "Isn't the band who made this named... Metallica I think?"

"Yeah. I heard the bassist is an absolute dick." He laughed, him grabbing Kill em' all.

"Alright, we got it, let's go." I said, walking towards the register, until I felt a grasp on my wrist.

"No. I'm buying Ride the lightning for you. If you refuse, I'm driving back to that exact same spot at the beach and dumping you back in that water, you hear me?" He threatened.

"Fine. Just please, don't take me to the ocean. This is my favorite shirt."

"You prefer that Slayer shirt over your Ride the Lightning or your Metal up your ass shirt? Clearly, you have no culture." He joked.

Taking all four of the vinyls in my arms, I reached into my bag to get my wallet till I felt a hand on my wrist. "Remember that threat? If you pay, you will be dumped in the ocean."

"Fine." I said, walking up to the register with Cliff. Placing the vinyls down on the table, the person at the register raised an eyebrow.

"Is this for you or for your boyfriend?" He asked. If this dude is about to assume I'm a poser, I'll prove him wrong.

"Her, why would you think I'm buying it for myself?" Cliff piped up.

"Because boyfriends love to drag their girlfriends to here and buy metal records. And, you, the girlfriend," He said, turning to me, "Do you really like metal? Be honest, we have different stuff then rock and metal. There's some pop if you want it."

I snorted. "Does it fucking look like I don't like metal? I'm wearing a Slayer shirt, you dumbass.  If you didn't fucking know with that sexist pea sized brain that Slayer is fucking metal, I'm concerned. Just because I look nice and soft and wholesome and shit like that, you don't need to call me a fucking stereotype just because I look that way."

"That shirt could be your boyfriend's..."

"Yes, it could be, because 6'2 men wear women's medium."

Quickly scanning everything, he didn't make a comeback, not knowing if Cliff was going to kill him. Handing Cliff the bag, he stammered "H..have...a..nice.. day.. sir.."

Walking outside, I started laughing my ass off. "Jesus fucking christ, did you see his face after you exposed him?" Cliff laughed, swinging his arms around me, enveloping our messy, laughing selves into a warm hug.

Feeling a rush of affection, I went on my toes and kissed Cliff on the cheek. Yes, we've kissed before. But it was him doing it. He was used to being to the one kissing someone, not the person being kissed. His and I's cheeks becoming scarlet, he looked away for a moment.

Did I do something wrong? "I-I'm sorry." I stuttered, looking down.

Smiling, he turned to me. "Don't be, you did nothing wrong." He said, leaning down to give me a slow, but passionate kiss on the lips.

We've kissed each other 5 times today.


This, this chapter turns out to be my longest chapter at 933 words. HOLY SHIT! Thank you for tolerating this cringe you call a chapter.

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