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(This is probably the only chapter where I'm going to warn you about mentions about something sensitive, so just giving y'all a warning, mentions of suicide in this chapter)

I woke up, rubbing my eyes. I had a pounding headache. It was maybe 4 AM? 4 AM at most. Snuggling into the pillow, the memories started flowing into my mind.

We went to the record store, and the cashier who called me a poser cowered back and called a break. We blasted music as we got burgers. I met a really pretty metalhead named Starr, Cliff kissed me. He confessed to me.

We're a thing now.

Sitting up, my mind swirled. I didn't know how to feel. I was fuckin shocked that someone that I loved actually loved me back, I loved that he confessed and how we were a thing.

But as well, I felt nervous.

What if one day I was... gone?

I've tried to take my life once. 

I'm happy it didn't work. 

But what if those thoughts came back to me?

What if one day... I commit suicide?

Cliff would never be happy again. 

Hopefully I can stay happy and not sad, for him.

But yet,

depression was a bitch.

As I sat on the bed, rubbing my forehead, I looked at the clock violently yelling 3:59 AM. Sighing, I realized I could never fall asleep in this state.

Standing up, I walked towards the kitchen to get some water. Taking a couple good gulps, I lightly placed the cup down. Walking up to the familiar room at the top of the stairs, I lightly got into the bed. 

Responding with a groan as I snuggled into him, he woke up, looking down at me. "I couldn't sleep." I croaked. Nodding, he planted a kiss on my forehead. Nuzzling my head into his neck, his grip on me became tighter on me. 

"This might be a little early... but I love you." He said sleepily, but I could tell he meant it.

"It's not, because I love you too."

Ⓓⓨⓔⓡⓢ Ⓔⓥⓔ ~ Cliff Burton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now