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You guys are going to kill me by the end of this chapter


It was the next day, a nearby show went on. I knew this day would come, and I tried to brace myself, but I couldn't. I just couldn't.

I walked in on Cliff and a blonde groupie doing intercourse. I remember walking in, trying to find Kirk. Cliff's eyes were glazed over, slurring his words and everything. My eyes filled with tears, my cheeks becoming a fast flowing river. I ran out, walking straight into James' chest. 

"Hi Al-" His voice deepened and became more angry. "Who the fuck hurt you? I'll snap their fucking neck." He said, furious.

"C-Cliff..." I barely managed to croak, before James pulled me into a tight hug, no space between us, him rubbing my back. 

"I'm sorry for that. He's as high as a kite and as drunk as a 40 year old divorced husband  on a wednesday evening." He said, reassuring me, him noticing someone walking behind us. "What do you want?" He barked at the person behind me. Turning around, I noticed a stumbling Cliff.

"Ally..." His words slurred, walking to me. "Sorrrrrryyyyyy." He slurred, reaching forward for a hug. Cowering into James' chest, my tears spilt out even faster.

Shooting a glance at him telling him "You fucked up.", he held my hand lightly and pulled me towards the exit. I can hear Cliff yelling drunkenly at the groupie.

"QUIRK!" James yelled, searching around.

Running immediately, he yelled "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?" Then looking down at me, his mouth opened.

"I'll kill him. I'll kill him."

(Short chapter because I'm bad at writing)

Ⓓⓨⓔⓡⓢ Ⓔⓥⓔ ~ Cliff Burton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now