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I looked around to my packed bags.  Today's the day. I thought, picking up my few bags I would use on the trip. Cliff was picking up his own, walking up to me and kissing my cheek.

A good month and a half passed since what happened last. A couple things happened..

- Starr introduced me to a couple of her friends. Simon Crimson, Arin Rose, and Jason Newsted.

-It's getting cold, considering it's October.

I ran outside, knowing the tour bus would be here. I knew Cliff was getting his bags, and Kirk and James were outside.

I sighed. "Where the fuck is Lars?" I questioned as the Danish Gremlin walked out, rubbing his eyes.

"I just woke up, it's early." He complained.

"First off," I started. "It's 3 in the afternoon. Second off, get your fucking suitcases."

"It's that day already?" Lars yawned, leaning back against the house.

"Yes, for fucks sake, go get fucking ready or else for this fucking tour we'll find a replacement that can actually play." I snarled, as he jumped in the house quickly.

"Damn, are you on your period or something?" James asked.

"She's just pissed she couldn't sleep." Kirk laughed.

"IT'S HARD WHEN CLIFF IS RIGHT NEXT TO YOU, SNORING LOUDER THEN LARS' DRUMS!" I snapped, Cliff walking out the door, coming right next to me, slinging his arm around my waist.

"Motherfucker." I muttered, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I love you too."


First off, this book reached 1k reads. I am so shocked at this, as this is a new book, as well as being my favorite.

This book, it's my favorite for many reasons.

1. The people who read this. Everybody who reads this are honestly amazing for reading this fake, not real story that I do for fun.

2. The characters. I love how almost none of my characters are Mary Sues/Gary Stus, and I love that with all my heart (a lot of my stories have them. In Sunflower, there's Sunny, in my A7x story, there's Daisy, there's Ash in Welcome to the Jungle.)

3. How advanced this story is. I had another account with one, short, cringy fanfic, which eventually, my second fan fic I've ever wrote was Sunflower, still full of cringe. The Oneshots are slightly better, and then there's this story. I feel like this was my first story which stuck to character, had a good plot, and where things weren't just a plain dumpsterfire.

And I thank you all, for reading this story by a 16 year old Cliff Burton wannabe, and how it reached 1,000 reads.

(And I'm sorry the chapter honoring the 1k reads is a filler, oops)

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