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"Come on, Al." Kirk said, who stood on his toes, his arm outstretched to pet my hair.

It was about a day and a half after I saw my mom, and it was the night after. I was super scared to go out, my mom would probably drag me back to her house. Fuck my life, I hate everything.

"Nooo." I groaned as I rolled over in the bunk. I was in a bad enough mood because I saw the person I tried to avoid most, but now, my period had to come. Did I mention I hate everything?

"You're that sad over seeing your mom? She probably won't acknowledge you anymore, to think about it." Lars piped up from afar, which Cliff shot him an annoyed glance.

"Blood is coming out her fucking vagina and you're going to be insensitive?" Cliff snapped, clearly being protective over me.

"Jesus christ Cliff, you could of just said it's the time of the month." I groaned, hiding much more in my blanket. You could only see the frizz in my unbrushed hair, which I hadn't brushed due to me only going out of bed once.

"Well, I'm going to get beer." James sighed, shooting me a smile and walking out of the bus's door. Not even with a goddamn coat, going out in pretty much November with a tanktop and jeans. Jeez.

"I'm coming! I'm going to get some ibuprofen for Ally as well." Kirk chimed up, grabbing his leather jacket, yanking on his shoes and running out the door.

"Thank you, you angel!" I called out to Kirk, as he shot me a smile and ran to meet up with James.

"And..uh.. I'm probably going to a stor-" Lars didn't even get to finish before Cliff interrupted.

"Have fun at the strip club. Don't bring anyone back onto the bus." Cliff said after him as he climbed up the ladder to our bunk and crawled in, pulling me to his chest as we, very tall people, laid cramped up in the bed.

As the door slammed behind him, I heard Cliff sing in my ear.

"I've got something to say," He sang to the tune of Last Caress.

I turned to him, giving him a small smile as if it was telling him to continue on.

Leaning forward, he kissed me on the nose. "I love you."


a lil fluff to say 'hey, i'm back.' next chapter/chapter after that's probably going to be long and develops the plot a lot, so get ready!

Ⓓⓨⓔⓡⓢ Ⓔⓥⓔ ~ Cliff Burton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now