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"Hey.. Cliff?" I asked, standing in the doorway, staring at him laying on the bed.

"You're here! Listen, I have something to tell you." He said, picking me up into a hug anxiously.

"A..Alright." I said, walking towards the bed and sitting down on it. He seems.. anxious?

"So... we got some news today." He gave me a smile. "We're going on tour soon. I'm pretty sure you can go, but I just wanted to let you know." He said, seeming scared of what I was going to say next.

"If you're asking if I'm coming, of course I fucking am." I said, leaning forwards and leaving a light kiss on his lips, climbing onto his lap. "Anyways, I have to tell you something as well."

"Alright, tell me, Kitten." He said, seeming relieved that I wasn't rejecting and curious at the same time for what I was going to say.

Blushing at the pet name, I stared into his eyes. "It's kind of important though, and not many people know, so please, don't tell anyone." He nodded.

"I was... 14, I think? I got a girlfriend, and I finally decided because I had liked girls ever since I liked anyone. I told my dad when I was 12, and he was so supportive, and I thought my mom would do the same." I looked down, trying not to show any emotions. "I was wrong. She yelled at me, and then.. at night...." I looked at the ground.

"She raped me." Tears threatened my eyes. My grip tightened on him, and I dug my face in his neck.

"She did what?" His voice deepened angrily, taking me by my shoulders and holding me so I stared into his eyes. "I'm going to kill her, going to kill her."  He repeated.

Slamming my lips onto his, I shut him up. After a minute of kissing each other,  I nuzzled his cheek. "That was 7 years ago. Let's enjoy this, we're young."

"I hate you." Cliff smiled.

"Sure, sure." I said, leaning into his arms.

(Filler because writers block)

Ⓓⓨⓔⓡⓢ Ⓔⓥⓔ ~ Cliff Burton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now