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(I apologize all the time skips that happen, we just need to get a move on)

Half a month passed and everything went nice, and alright, besides all the fucking groupies. Until, now.

"I feel like shit!" Kirk exclaimed, coughing loudly as he rolled over in his uncomfortable bunk.

Kirk had come down with the motherfuckin flu. Which means, of course, we need a replacement, force Kirk up there, or do a terrible thing, and cancel the show.

I laid on my bunk, the top one me and Cliff shared, right across from Kirk. Reaching across, I pat Kirk's head. "I'm sorry for that."

"ALLY! ALLY! ALLY!" I heard James yell. Sighing, I sat up and jumped off the bunk and ran towards him.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked, panting.

"YOU'RE GOING TO BE OUR LEAD GUITARIST!" James yelled excitingly, jumping up in down.

My breathing tightened. "Nonono, I can not. I absolutely fucking can not."

"Please?" I hear James plead. "I'll make sure they like you, and won't disrespect you."

I rubbed my forehead, falling back on the couch. "Fine. I will. You fucking owe me." The anxiety overtook me for a minute. If Cliff could come out of the fucking bathroom, maybe he could comfort me.

"Okay, so, I know, it's a lot to ask, but can you-"

"Can she what?" Cliff walked in, winking at me.

James scoffed, going on. "Can you dress just a little feminine? No skirts or dresses if you want to, but just some clothes other then sweatpants?"


"FUCK OFF LARS!" I yelled, melting even more into the couch.

"You don't like diamonds?" Cliff questioned.

All I did was nod, holding up my right hand to show the ring on my middle finger. It was a snake, going around my finger, him nodding in understanding.

"Anyways, I guess I'll choose your outfit. Don't fight me," he said, as I opened my mouth, about to argue. "You can't tell the difference between sweatpants and leather pants."

All I did was nod, walking towards Cliff, giving him a hug. "I don't get why he's making a big deal over an outfit, he literally wears jeans and tanktop on stage."

"Oh well," He sighed. "You can't fight him. No one wins in a fight against him."

I nodded into his chest. "I get it. Oh well, as long as I don't go on stage in a black dress that shows all my tits and doesn't cover my ass." I sighed, getting out of the hug and looking up at him. "When is the show?"

"Well...." He rubbed his neck, chuckling. "When you were cuddling with Kirk and caring for him, you passed a bunch of time, so... you have about an..." He looked up at the clock. "Hour. You've got a hour."


another filler, fuck

Ⓓⓨⓔⓡⓢ Ⓔⓥⓔ ~ Cliff Burton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now