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I finished brushing my teeth, and I walked into the bedroom. Yes, I knew Cliff was there, but did I care?

I pulled off my black tshirt I fell asleep with, my sports bra still on. Throwing on an Metal up your ass shirt, I took some random black jeans, took off my shorts and slid my jeans on. Turning around to Cliff, I smiled to him as I grabbed a brush and brushed the frizziness at the top of my head.

"You look nice." A voice said from behind me, turning to a shirtless Cliff.

"Okay, I get it. I'm wearing a metal up my ass shirt, so just because I'm wearing your band's merch I'm pretty." I joked with him.

"Oh no." He jokingly frowned. "You exposed me." Then, smiling he said, "But seriously. You look pretty." 

Smiling, I jumped onto the bed. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I nuzzled my cheek into his. "I love you."

"Or is that just because I'm part of many people's favorite band?" He joked, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Dick." I said, smiling as I stood up, walking towards the door.

"I have quite a big one!" He yelled as I walked out of the door. Walking towards the kitchen, I laughed my ass off once I reached the kitchen.

Throwing bread into the toaster, I started making the coffee as I felt arms around my waist. Leaning my head back, I saw familiar green eyes and auburn hair.

"What was that you just said?" I chuckled, as I took the toast and threw some more into the toaster. Taking the toast I just got out of the toaster, Cliff went and sat down as Lars submerged from the hallway. Taking peanut butter and spreading it over the two pieces of toast, I took the two plates and handed it to Cliff and Lars.

As I focused on the two new pieces of toast, I started spreading peanut butter on the toast when I heard Kirk sleepily say from the table "HURRY UP OLD LADY!"

Sighing, I turned around to James and Kirk and gave them their toast. "Kirk. You turn 23 in 3 months. A week ago I turned 21." I sighed, sitting down at the table.

Cliff raised an eyebrow at me as I sat down at the table without food and just coffee. Everyone seemed to notice, but Kirk was the only that spoke up.

"Ally, get food please." He said, concerned.

"I'm not hungry." I said. I used to have anorexia, and I almost died from it. I tried to eat, but I wasn't ever really hungry. I had at least a meal a day, so I ate. I was probably going to eat at Starr's, anyway.

"Alright, whatever you say." Kirk just shrugged, digging into his toast.

After we started talking about random things, we finished eating as I put the plates into the sink. Looking towards the clock, Kirk yelped as he saw the time.

"Guys! We took too much time, we're late!" Kirk said, jumping up from the chair, grabbing Lars' wrist and running to the door. Cliff running straight up to me, planting a kiss on my cheek before running out.

I should probably tell Starr I'm coming. I thought, rushing to the phone. Dialing her number, I heard a sleepy, deep voice come through.

"I just now fuckin woke up, Grey. What do you want?" She said sleepily.

"It's the Seventeenth, I'm seeing you. Remember? Or did you get high on something yesterday again and forgot?"

"Shut the fuck up, I got drunk, not high, for your information." Starr laughed lightly before she said "I'll pick you up in a bit. I'll get ready now."

For some reason, it was fuckin 50 degrees outside but did I give a fuck? Throwing on my battle vest that I now wore every day now, I stood outside. Soon enough, I heard a roar of a motorcycle as I saw Starr's wild blue hair flying through the wind. Parking her motorcycle, she stepped off, taking her helmet off. 

"Hello motherfucker." She smirked, handing me a helmet. Smiling, I took it, hopping o the motorcycle. Getting in front of me, I wrapped my arms around her waist as the motorcycle blasted off.

Soon enough, about 10 minutes later, we pulled up to a a big apartment building. It was luxury apartments, she told me she could afford a nice house easily, but she prefers apartments. Jumping off the motorcycle, she unlocked the apartment door.

Running inside, she pulled me in. "I want you to see downstairs. I think you'd love it."

Running downstairs, both of us tripped on the stairs, my falling a bit, but then face planting as Starr fell onto me, responding with an 'oof'.

"Are you alright?" She said, helping me up. 

"I'm fine, now just show me what you want to!" I said, her taking my wrist and pulled me into a room.


Ⓓⓨⓔⓡⓢ Ⓔⓥⓔ ~ Cliff Burton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now