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(Do y'all want a smut scene ? I might give up during it, but I'll try to write it! I mean, if y'all want it.)

I woke up, laying on my right side. Cliff's arm was slung around me, his chest up to my back. His cheek rested on my forehead, his hair neatly behind his back, except a light, short strand of fluffy hair rested on my cheek. I looked at the clock, about 9 AM. Turning towards Cliff, I sighed as I cuddled into Cliff's chest. I realized he was awake when he planted a kiss on my forehead, then rested his chin on my head. 

"Morning." I croaked. Sitting up, he looked up at me and smiled. 

"How are you?" He smiled, sitting up.

"I'm great! It was a good rest, great dream."I gave him a big, toothy smile. It was a week after he confessed, and everyone knew. They cheered Cliff on for getting 'such a great girlfriend', and Kirk was very proud of me managing to confess. During that week, I called Starr, and spent a shitton of time with Cliff. I was going to visit Starr soon as possible, I heard the boys were going to spend all day today writing music. I was extremely sad that I couldn't be with Cliff (he was sad as well), but I was happy because today, I was going to meet Starr personally.

"We have about a hour before we go to the recording studio." Cliff smiled, scooting towards me, enveloping me in his warmth as he brought me into a hug.

"Let's make the most of it. Eat breakfast, and do the usual routine."

"You mean by usual routine you actually mean MTV?" Cliff chuckled.

"Yes, but cuddle, with beer of course." I said, placing a solid kiss on his cheek. Standing up, I looked at him happily. "I'm going to brush my teeth then change, alright?" I said, walking towards the door.

"Yes, clean your dirty ass teeth." He stuck his tongue out.

"Fuck you." I said, walking out.

"Gladly!" He yelled back, me walking into the bathroom, me smiling to my ears.

(So, how'd you like this short chapter I wrote up at 9 pm? Anyways, I have an important question.
Should I keep the book like this? One or two chapters a day that are 300-900 words, or 1 chapter every two or three days that are 1300-2000 words? Which one do you prefer?)

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