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(Please sign this contract to guarantee that you won't be angry at me)


2 months passed, and it was smooth sailing after that. I noticed less and less people try and flirt with Cliff and shit like that, I've been getting a lot of respect, and guess what?

Now, everything decides to fuck up.

Me and Cliff were on amazing terms, better then ever, but man, sometimes, he could be really fucking jealous.

It all started when Cliff was out somewhere, doing I don't know what, but I didn't care, I wasn't the clingy girlfriend that asked where they were going. It was weird though, as it was around 10 PM, but who cares honestly?

James walked in, rubbing his bloodshot eyes. A small tear went down his left cheek, and I knew something had especially fucked up when James Hetfield, the manliest man to man on this earth, was crying.

"James!" I exclaimed, running to his side immediately. "What happened? Who the hell did this to you?"

He looked down at me sadly and enveloped me and a big hug. He seemed real anxious, considering I could barely breathe in the hug. "Stacey cheated on me. I caught her in the act."

My mouth dropped. I had never met her, but James had a girlfriend named Stacey. I rubbed his back as I thought of her. She was short, blonde, with green eyes, and everybody told me she was really kind and loyal. It stung when I  remembered a week ago James told me he was considering marrying this woman.

"I-I'm so sorry!" I almost yelled.  Taking his hand into mine, I kindly lead him to his bunk, and sat down. I held him to my chest, petting his hair to make him more comfortable. Coming closer to me, James wrapped his arms around me, so he was practically hugging me, and his head was on my chest.

"I-you have comfortable boobs." Was all James said, which made me laugh a bit. The cool thing about James- my boyfriend could literally be dead on the side of the road and he'll be comforting me in the tragedy.

"Heh, I've heard that many times, trust me." I said, rubbing his back.

"Thank you for treating me like I'm actually worth something." He said, picking his head up for a second to kiss me on the cheek. About a minute later when James was snuggled into me, Lars walked into the room.

What happened? Kirk mouthed.

Stacey, was all I mouthed back. He nodded, going to get Lars. Then, Cliff walked through the door. I was excited to see him, but instead of flashing me a smile, wink or anything to show me he was happy to see me, he just shook his head with a tsk tsk tsk.

Wha..What did I do? I thought. James seemed to notice, as he let me go so I could stand up and go to Cliff.

"Hi... what's wrong?" I asked as I looked at his narrow green eyes.

"Why are you cuddling my best friend who's in a relationship?" He sneered at me.

"Wha... I was comforting him! He ju-" I started to defend myself until he cut in.

"I don't want to hear any excuses." He said angrily before going up the ladder into his bunk. I started to climb after him until he growled at me

"Why don't you sleep with James?"

That set me extremely off guard. First off, he wouldn't let me explain, then he'd know that I was super sensitive then he'd say the most insensitive thing? Wow, boyfriend of the year award. As tears pricked my eyes, I just ran off towards the couch that was hidden for the people on the left side of the bunks (Cliff and James,) and I just fell back on there, letting the tears fall silently. I could hear an angry James muttering What the fuck before something yelling at Cliff, and Lars coming to my side. At least I had someone helping me.

"Are you alright?" I heard Lars say, as I hid my blood shot, tear stained eyes away from him.

I could barely mutter a "No, not really."

I could tell he was frowning, as he sat next to me and held me close. Somehow, the embrace made my tears really come and to start sobbing. "How come when I do something good bad shit always happen to me?" I asked as I felt another body around my height come to my side. Kirk.

"Hey, dickhead! Because your girlfriend was doing the right thing and comforting me, look what happened when you didn't let the poor thing explain! Now she's bawling her eyes out because of you being a piece of shit. Here is the boyfriend of the year award."

"She could of argued with me and try and explain to me!" Cliff said desperately, trying to defend himself. Pulling my legs up to my chest, I set my head down and let the tears fall steadily.

"You should of learned about her before asking her out, dipshit!" The words James were yelling at Cliff stung my heart. "She hates holding grudges, and will give up easily when someone like you, someone she depends on and loves isn't giving her a chance! Be lucky she didn't break up with you then and there." James said, before storming out to a confused and hurt Cliff left in that room.

"Kirk, Lars, please, go to bed, it's almost 11. You got a show tomorrow and I don't want you guys to be sleep deprived on stage." I said, lifting my head up.

Kirk just nodded, pulling me close, and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I love you, Al. Please, don't be worried after this."

I gave him a sad smile, which he returned before bracing himself for the hell known as an angry Cliff, and went to his bunk. But Lars just stayed there.

"Lars? Aren't you going to bed?" I asked him, turning to my right.

"No. I'm staying with my best friend all night to make sure she's alright." He smiled at me, rubbing my back.


Eventually, I managed to sleep, which ended shortly after I heard some yelling.

"Your focking girlfriend stayed by my side all night, crying and asking if her boyfriend will love her because of her making it seem like she was cheating! You screwed shit up, you can't do what you were originally going to do." Lars sneered at him. I kept my eyes close, and there was one part that confused me.

"You screwed shit up, you can't do what you were originally going to do!" What was that supposed to mean?

"Shush dude, she was stressed and it was hard enough for her to sleep, so don't wake her up." I heard James quietly tell them. Opening my eyes, no one really seemed to notice my eyes were open, absorbed in their argument. 

"I am going to apologize, alright? Chill the fuck down!"  I heard him whisper shout at them. "If I didn't screw my chances, of course."

"I've heard everything you guys just said, you know." I spoke out, laughing a little bit.

All of them just stared at me, all their looks different. James and Kirk had a look of sympathy, Lars looked angry due to Cliff, and Cliff looked as if he'd given up, he had blood shot eyes.

"Thank you James for attempting to quiet them down, thank you to Lars for defending me, a big thank you to Kirk for not arguing whatsoever, and thank you Cliff, for actually knowing I'd forgive you."

"You'd forgive me?" Cliff asked.


CLIFFhanger haha i'm so funny

and i managed to put 1290 words in this, the fuck?

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