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"Y'know that kills your lungs, right?" Lars spoke from behind me, me chuckling. It was about 2 hours after what happened and I finally got out of bed. I fed myself to a feast- cereal, and I took a shower. Here I was, in a Misfits tanktop, black shorts, on the patio, staring out, cigarette in hand.

"Yeah, I know, but in life Lars, learn to not give a shit about stuff, alright?" I told him jokingly.

He, in return, he jokingly whimpered. I chuckled, hearing James' loud voice from inside. "GUYS, WE'RE GOING TO THE BEACH, GET DRESSED!"

I shook my head, sighing. "He's still loud as actual hell. How do you handle it?"

"I don't fuckin know. Anyway, I think we need to get dressed." He said, me and him walking in.

Running into my bedroom, I had everything except a bed. We had ordered one, it was going to come in 2 days they said. 2 more days of sleeping on the couch. Or as I called it, Cliff. Pulling out a black one piece, I made sure it didn't look too slutty.

Grabbing my Misfit's tanktop again, and then my black shorts, I slid them over my swimsuit. Grabbing a random towel and my sunglasses, I ran out the room, bumping straight into Cliff, my face digging straight into his chest. 

"Shit! Sorry." I said, running down the stairs awkwardly. Sliding my sunglasses over my eyes, I ran out into the car where James and Kirk were sitting.

"Oh look, the beauty is finally finished. How lovely." Kirk joked, looking at me.

Poking at one of his curls, I lightly laughed. "Shut up. The short fuck and the tall fuck are still in there, they're being lazy." I said, noticing Lars walk out of the  door in the corner of my eye. He ran to the car, jumping into the back seat. There was 5 seats, I was sitting in the really small one.

Walking in the car, I avoided Cliff staring at me, and stared onto the road, ready for the beach. Was something romantic going to happen? Was someone going to confess to me, was I going to find someone nice? 

As I thought, I felt a hand on my knee.

Ⓓⓨⓔⓡⓢ Ⓔⓥⓔ ~ Cliff Burton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now