967 20 16

I got the fucking motivation to go out the door.

I was just going to the market, I was gonna buy some ice cream and some beer, and well as ibuprofen. But as I walked in, I bumped into someone I thought I wouldn't see for a while.

"Fu-" I said, bumping into the tall, muscular guy's back.

"Hey, Ally!" The guy said, =moving so I could see him.

"Oh!" I recognized him immediately. Dave Mustaine. He didn't like Lars or James or Kirk, but still was on good terms with me and Cliff. He didn't except that I have dated girls before or Cliff is still in Metallica, but still looked past that and talked to us. "Hey Dave! It's been a while! How have you been?"

"I've been quite good. I've started a new band, called Megadeth!" He said quite happily. "What about you? How have you been?" He asked, following me as I went to the ice cream aisle. 

"Megadeth? I'd listen to them, but I don't think James would approve. I'm doing well. Many things have happened but I've moved in with Metallica."

"Huh." He said, trying not to mention the band in any negative way. "What about Cliff? He still good?"

"Yeah, he has been. And about that..." I laughed a little before saying what I was planning on. "I'm actually dating Cliff now! He asked me out on my birthday and I'm super happy." I said. I imagined him be somewhat happy that I wasn't dating a girl and I was dating the 'only good' member of Metallica.

"Oh..." He said, something showing in his eyes. He smiled a little, shaking his head. "Well, I'm happy for you."

Eventually, I just finished up what I was buying and what he was buying (which was beer, as well) and checked out. Look through my pockets, I couldn't find my wallet. "Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!" I exclaimed, realizing that my wallet wasn't in my pocket anymore. 

Dave handed the cashier $20, and looked at me. "Don't worry, I got you." He smiled warmly at me. I walked to get my bags, and we walked out together.

"Well," Dave said as we got close to our cars. "If you ever want to talk with me, you know my address. You could mail me or come over."

I smiled and nodded. "Will do. It was nice seeing you, thanks for saving my ass!" I exclaimed happily, running towards my car and putting the bags in the back. Not realizing I had ice cream, I looked at the clock and realized I could go to the record store, if I was quick.

I drove there quickly, realizing it was dark as I got there. Well, fuck, now I have very little time. I ran towards the store, but not before being pulled into the alleyway.

There, stood a tall woman. She had a knife that she held threateningly in front of me, as she held me to the wall by my neck. "What- what the fuck do you want from me?" I said, cowering a bit.

"Come with me." She growled, in which I could recognize the voice somewhat. I couldn't connect the voice to any person, but it sounded really fucking familiar.

"How- How about no! Get the fuck off me!" I said, trying to push her off of me. Which failed miserably.

She clumsily took the knife, and almost stabbed me in the space right above my collarbone. But before she could do it, a person came behind her. 

The person who got her had bushy, black hair and brown eyes. She was tan, and wore all black as if she tried to camouflage with the shadows. She stabbed the attacker in the chest, then rubbed the person's hand on the knife, to get her DNA on it.

The girl had killed her, and made it look like a suicide. Before the panic hit me, I took my attacker's mask off. Hideous blonde hair and blue eyes, I immediately recognized it.

"I knew she'd come for me. I knew it, I knew it, I fucking knew it." The panic hit me then. I had left her to take care of herself. So she tried to kill me.

The girl with the black hair took off her mask. "Is this who I think it is?" She said, her deep voice with a slight south american accent to it.

I nodded, tears coming to my face. "That... that was my mother." I started sobbing, not knowing what to do. "Why did I leave her? I knew she'd kill me."

She put her hand on my shoulder, comforting me. "Please don't worry. She was following you and I needed to protect you."

"Th-Thank you." I said, my voice getting raspy. "That hell is gone now. I-I owe it to you. Please, tell me your name."

She looked at me for a minute, deciding whether to tell me her name. "My name's Andrea. This.. is my job." She looked around, looking to see if anyone was listening. "I kill people for a living. I kill people who do bad to this earth. It pays off in the end though, one less person to ruin the earth." She looked at me. "You better not tell anyone. I just saved your life, and if you think that isn't enough, I'll kill you myself."

I nodded. I wasn't intimidated, I understood what she meant. "T-Thank you, once again. I appreciate it so much, Andrea."

She smiled. "You're welcome. Happy to help someone." She nodded and then jumped over the fence at the end of the alleyway.


holy FUCK that was cringy

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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