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It was a rockstar paradise. A big drum set towards the back, many beautiful and expensive guitars and basses hung up on the wall, and the remaining wall space was full of beautiful posters. Many of the posters looked painted or drawn.

"You can afford a nice house with all the necessities, and then have this? Is this all from your waitress money or..."

"Before you say it, I'm not a slut or a stripper." She snickered. "The local club and bar? I preform there a lot, it it's bass or guitar.  Even though I'm better at bass."

Smiling, I nodded. "I used to work at a Guitar center, and sometimes the local bar would recruit me some days to preform. I used to be in a band, but eventually one committed suicide, and the two others got out of music." I sighed, rubbing my eyes.

"Oh..." She trailed off. "I'm sorry." She said. Taking my hand, she walked with me upstairs into the kitchen. "You want pizza?" She smiled.

I nodded intensely. "Yes please. I'd love some."

Picking up her phone about ten feet away, she dialed a number and mumbled something into it, placing the phone down.

"It'll be here in 15 minutes." she said, leaning back into the chair that was across from me.

"Yo, I have a game." I smiled.

"Shoot." She said, reaching for the fridge, getting two diet cokes.

"One of us says a question, then we say the answer at the same time." I said proudly.

"Good idea." She said, sitting down, cracking open the diet coke, passing me the other one.
"Alright. I got one." She coughed, taking a sip. "If you could have lunch with one person alive or dead, who would it be?"

"Ozzy Osbourne!" I yelled. At the exact same time, Starr yelled

"Freddy Mercury!"

Staring at each other for a minute,  broke the science. "You like Queen?" I chuckled.

"You like Sabbath?" She fired back.

"Alright, I have a question." Smiling, I laid back in the chair. "Sexuality?"

"Lesbian!" Starr yelled out.

"Bi!" I yelled at the same time.

"Favorite band?" She asked.

"Metallica!" She yelled.

"Sabbath!" I screamed at the same time.

Looking at me, she raised a black eyebrow. "Not Metallica? I thought you loved them."

I sighed. "They would, if Ozzy wasn't a thing and I wasn't best friends with the nerdy lead guitarist or dating the bassist."

As we continued on with the game, eventually, the pizza came. And as we kept on playing the game longer, and longer, eventually I looked at the window at the side of me and saw completely blackness. Well, not complete blackness, but it was night, as you know.

"Shit! I better go!" I said, remembering what I said to Cliff yesterday.

"I'm seeing Starr tomorrow, if you don't mind."  I told the tall auburn, enveloping him into a hug.

"We're going to the studio tomorrow, so that's the perfect time." He smiled. "But promise me a couple things."

"What is the 'couple things'." I said, confused.

"1. You won't fuck Starr." He said jokingly, me blasting out in laughter.

"H-Holy shit!" I wheezed, falling back onto the bed we were sitting on.

"But seriously. Can you come back at.... 9, I guess?" He said in a serious tone, even though he just laughed his ass off.

"Of course, I won't abandon you without telling you, y'know." I said, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Alright," He said. Jumping on me, who was lying on the bed, he snuggled next to me.

"What time is it??" I asked frantically.

"About 9, I think?" She said, look confused. 

"I promised Cliff I'll be home now, Fuck!" I said, jumping up.

"I'll take you home, I promise." She smiled at me, running towards the door, tossing me a helmet. Slipping on my shoes, I ran outside to wear she was sitting on the motorcycle. Jumping behind her, I wrapped my arms around her waist.

As she sped on the highway, I could see all the beautiful city lights from far off.

"We're here." She said. "Stop staring towards the city fatass, we're at your house." 

Snapping out of it, I looked at her. "'Fatass?' Well bye then, big tits." I chuckled, waving at her and running inside the house and up the stairs to the familiar room, walking into Cliff laying on top of the bed, seeming tired, just with jeans on.

"Did you work so hard that your shirt came off?" I joked, snuggling into him.

"Do you wish that I worked harder so my pants would come off?"

"If they weren't here, sure as hell. But now, as these whores are here," I said, referencing James, Lars and Kirk. "we can't."


"Of course."

Ⓓⓨⓔⓡⓢ Ⓔⓥⓔ ~ Cliff Burton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now