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(Please excuse me if this is shit, I am literally posting through a phone ((something I can barely do)) through browser, so please, wish me luck. Also, I can't do italics or bold, so wish me luck. This chapter, also is going to be short because mercy on my fingers.)

"Mom! Stop!" I yelled over what was happening. Tears were in my eyes, as I screamed for help.

But nobody heard me.

"Why are you doing this?" I cried, the tears starting to flow as my mom continued on.

The next thing she said left me scarred.

"Because yo-"

"ALLY! KITTEN! WAKE UP, IT'S A NIGHTMARE." I heard a deep, familiar voice say firmly as my shoulders shook.

Yanking myself up, I quickly opened my eyes to see concerned, green eyes in front of me. "Are you alright?" He asked, pulling me into a hug.

"Yes." I croaked, my tears slowing down. "Just a nightmare, just a nightmare. Nothing real." I lied, the memories of what happening that I tried so desperately to forget came back all in a hurry.

Looking suspicious, but not saying a word, he tapped my chin so I'd look up at him, and very lightly planted a long, sweet kiss on my lips.

"Thank you." I whispered, as a tall, familiar blonde walked in.

"What's wrong?" His sleepy voice asked, looking down at our tired figures huddling together. Romantic, I know.

"Ally had a pretty bad nightmare." He said, planting a kiss on my forehead. "It made her scream." 

"Oh, I just thought you were fucking. Wouldn't ask you on that one." He joked, lightening my mood.

"James Alan Hetfield." I smirked, throwing a pillow at him. "You think we were fucking at 4 in the morning? We would of dragged you out of the house if we wanted to."

"Alright then." He said, taking a hit from the pillow. "Anyways,seeing you're in a shit mood, wanna come with me in the skate park? I was going to initially go by myself but you've been my skating buddy for a while, so why not come?" He asked, giving me a genuine smile. "And talk to your brother." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"You have a brother?" Cliff yelped, jumping up.

"He means Kirk." I chuckled. "Do you seriously not know?" I asked.

"Obviously not." He laughed.

"Well..." I started. "Me and Kirk got drunk one night and.."

"He fucked you?"

"No!" I choked out, laughing. "He called me his sister, and it's been deemed we're siblings. Even if we fuck in front of them, they'll still gladly call us siblings with pride."

"Did you fuck him in front of them before?" He asked.

"N..No!" I was laughing my ass off, barely being able to stand up and get my usual skater clothes. Misfits shirt, ripped black jeans, Ozzy glasses and baseball hat.

Running to the bathroom and brushing my teeth quickly, I ran into the room and got half naked, then put on my clothes to turn around to Cliff... Looking hungrily at me.

"I could just fuck you on the spot." He growled.

"Tonight." I whispered, putting on my sunglasses.

"Seriously?" He said, surprised I was agreeing to us fucking.

"Yup. Get the fuckers out of the house and I will."

Ⓓⓨⓔⓡⓢ Ⓔⓥⓔ ~ Cliff Burton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now