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I had enough of swimming, so I ran out of the water and sat next to Cliff, talking about random shit.

"Hey, didn't you say that Kirk told you about me?" Cliff asked curiously.

"He told me a lot about you. So yeah, I've never met you but yet I know you." I chuckled.

"Kirk said he told me everything about you. And listen," He said, putting his hand on my hand. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

I sighed, allowing us to be so close to each other. "If you know so much about me, then how about I quiz you? I want to see if you actually listen to Kirk."

He sighed. "Fine. I need a passing grade though, I need to do well in my classes."

Laughing, I started with an easy question. "Alright, what's my full name? You should know this, 100%."

"Easy. Allison Rose Willow Grey, Allison Rose is your full first name. Willow is your middle name and your last name is Grey. That's a mouthful."

"Wow, you even knew my middle name. You even described it." I said, surprised. "Alright something slightly harder. What animal have I wanted as a pet for a while?"

"I think I remember Kirk telling me this one.... a parakeet right?" He said, somewhat confident.

"How the hell did you know? I've told Kirk once or twice and he's probably forgotten it by now."

"Well, if it's a potential.... friend.... then I'll remember anything." He said seeming to want to say something else. "Make next question real hard, alright?"

"Alright. What instruments can I play flawlessly?"

Cliff waited for a minute, thinking. "I've heard people say if you touch an instrument, but Kirk says you can play guitar almost as good as him which is hard to believe, so I'm going to say guitar, and I know you can play drums better then Lars, but everyone could do that, can't they?" He chuckled, still thinking. "I heard you could play Anesthesia on the bass perfectly, so bass? And you play Piano and Cello, I know that."

I sat there, stunned. "...How? All of these are correct." I said, as I heard James yell (like usual) that we're leaving. Sighing, I took my still wet Misfits shirt and black shorts and shoved them into my backpack. Standing up from the warm sand, I shivered from a gust of wind.  Goddammit Cliff and dumping me in the ocean. Shivering at the wind, I rubbed my legs. Sighing, I turned to see Cliff taking off his beloved denim jacket and putting it on me. Taking it off, I handed it to Cliff, him raising both eyebrows. "I can't, you've got to be cold."

Putting it on me once more, he stopped me from taking it off to say. "If you take it off one more time, give it to me and swear you're not cold, I will take the jacket from you, take you bridal style, and throw you back into that damn ocean where you belong."

Shutting up, we headed back to the car, me not shivering so much anymore. Getting in the car, we blasted Black Sabbath as I snuggled into Cliff, cold.

Ⓓⓨⓔⓡⓢ Ⓔⓥⓔ ~ Cliff Burton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now