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I was having cereal, enjoying myself. Snuggled into Cliff, his arm around me. Until we heard the doorbell. Planting a kiss on my forehead, he got up and opened the door. In walked a girl.

About 5'3, she had strawberry red hair, as well as green eyes, fake boobs, fake butt, she looked like the things in the ocean. What was it called? Plastic, I think. I couldn't judge. The ugliest of people could have the nicest personality, I'd just have to wait to see.

She looked a bit like Axl Rose, to be completely honest. Hopefully she wasn't a whore like him.

Leaning up as if she was about to kiss him, her height stopped her as  immediately as Cliff stepped back.

"What are you doing?" He demanded, looking down at her.

"I'm coming, I'm going to get back with you." She gave him a evil-ish smile.

I stiffened, looking back at the girl. "Lynn." His voice was furious. "You had a threesome. With your co worker. And your ex. On my birthday. And you're going to give me a second chance?"

Looking away, I felt sick in my stomach. That was crazy, he didn't deserve it. Shoving more cereal down my stomach, I avoided that girl's gaze.

"Why don't you ask more time for my girlfriend to hear? Kitten, come here."He said, holding his hand out. Assuming he was talking to me, I reached out to his hand and walked towards him, pulling me in for a side hug. At almost immediately noticing my Misfits shirt, she scoffed.

"You just wanted a tall metalhead girlfriend, didn't you?" She spat. "I bet you're happy I cheated on you. You just wanted that whore." She pointed towards me, my heart starting to beat faster. A whore? She intensely gave me vibes like my mom did.

"At least she isn't a groupie like you, now leave my fucking house." He snarled, slamming the door.

"What the hell was all that?" I asked him, confused. 

"Can we not talk about it?"

"Can you j-" I said, him slamming his lips onto mine, us turning out into a violent into a violent make out session, lasting for a while. Lars, Kirk and James made an excuse to leave to a restaurant. I overheard Kirk telling Lars and James that something might happen, so they should leave so there was a chance of it happening.

They knew this was coming.

Ⓓⓨⓔⓡⓢ Ⓔⓥⓔ ~ Cliff Burton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now