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Jungkook wakes up with the sun gracing his sleep-deprived face. He managed to hide all the notes in his top drawer before Taehyung could see last night. It would have been a shame if he had been caught, so early in the game.

That being said, Jungkook is rudely reminded of Taehyung's presence the moment the boy barges into the bathroom while he's trying to brush his teeth. "You should knock before coming in," Jungkook says.

Taehyung nudges Jungkook aside with his hip, reaching for the spare toothbrush. "Well, you should lock the door after you enter."

"No, you should knock." Jungkook spits the toothpaste out, proceeding to gargle some water.

"Locks exist for a reason. You should use them. Leaving an unlocked door is like begging for someone to walk in."

Rinsing the rest of the toothpaste out of his mouth, Jungkook wipes his lips onto the towel. "Personal space, please."

Taehyung finishes brushing his teeth before replying, "I'm going to have a shower, so if you don't mind." He motions to the door with his eyes, making Jungkook frown.

"I was—"

"Okay thanks, Jungkook!" Taehyung pushes Jungkook out, locking the door. "See? Locks keep people out. You should use them sometime," Taehyung says from the other side.

Jungkook kicks the door. "I was in there first!"

"Keep it down!" His mother yells from downstairs.

Jungkook grunts, crossing his arms. He turns so his back is against the door, slowly sliding down until he's in a sitting position. There he waits for what feels like an eternity, and it doesn't help that he needs to pee. He gives up his silent protest, banging on the door. "What the hell are you doing in there? We're gonna be late for school!"

As if on cue, the door opens, revealing a shirtless Taehyung—only a towel covering his nether region. Jungkook catches himself picking up his jaw that dropped at the sight; and of course, Taehyung notices.

"Enjoying the view?" He asks.

"Oh, fuck off," Jungkook says, pushing Taehyung aside, locking the door behind him. He doesn't know if it's the steam from Taehyung's shower or Taehyung himself that makes his body flush like crazy.

Jungkook turns the shower on, cold at first, trying to suppress the wild thoughts roaming through his mind. But eventually, he says, "Fuck it." He relieves himself in the shower, climaxing with Taehyung's name rolling off the tip of his tongue.

It's only after his body recovers from the high that he realises what he has done; it's not every day he whacks one off thinking about his best friend.


Okay, but... How is he going to pull this off now? They've already left for school and Jungkook still hasn't figured out anything. Taehyung is glued to him. He can't run to school and back before Taehyung wakes up—it's just not possible—and there is no guarantee that the janitor will be there to save his arse again. He lets out a sigh that doesn't go unnoticed.

"What's wrong? Tired of me already?" Taehyung asks, walking with a skip to catch up. "You haven't said much all morning."

To be fair, they haven't had time together this morning. He spent most of it waiting for Taehyung to get out of the shower, then swapped—and he isn't going to tell Taehyung about his little shower adventure.

"I'm just thinking— I don't— Nothing." Great. That came out perfectly.

Silence simmers for a short time before Taehyung says, "The sports carnival is coming up soon."

A Note to Myself | TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now