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Jungkook can't help but smile when he sees Taehyung's bright face beaming back at him, but Jungkook's smile falters when he sees Mina sitting in his spot. She smiles at Jungkook. Snake.

He sits in front of Taehyung, slumping over his desk, using his books as a pillow.

Taehyung taps him on the back with what he assumes is a pen. The first thing Jungkook thinks is, 'Oh, he brought a pen with him for once. I'm no longer needed' and yes, he's being dramatic and no, no one can tell him not to be because right now there's enough unnecessary drama in his life.

Jungkook turns to face Taehyung.

Taehyung lifts a piece of paper with the words, I love you too written on it and grins widely.

Knife in the heart—he's bleeding. Jungkook gives an unstable smile before burying himself in his books again. It's what he wanted to hear all along, but why now? Why when Mina is sitting in his seat, watching his every movement? He cries and is unsure if the tears are sad or happy, but he smiles through them. He smiles so hard that his cheeks hurt.

Pieces of scrunched-up paper start hitting Jungkook's back. Once, twice, three times until Jungkook picks one up. He turns to Taehyung, who is silently mouthing the words, 'read it'. And so he does. Unfolding, he reads, I love you.

He opens another; I love you.

Another; I LOVEEEEE you

His heart swells, and his body tingles. It's overwhelming, and he can't even muster up his thoughts to respond. Jungkook reaches his limit as Taehyung throws another one onto his desk. He stands up, excusing himself to the toilet. Although he feels bad for Taehyung, Jungkook cannot solve everything under this pressure. He escapes to the rooftop, finding a spot to lie down and watch the clouds.

Jungkook stays like this for a while, thinking about nothing until all he can think about is Taehyung. He needs to come up with a plan. So he does what he always does—write a list.

Ways he should deal with this situation—written in the clouds:

1. Ignore Taehyung. This is probably the safest option, but it will hurt Jungkook the most. He needs to ride it out until they graduate, and then Mina can be out of their hair.

2. Ignore Mina. This will lead to Mina exposing them to the entire school. Jungkook knows even for himself how hard it will be to deal with the immense scrutiny—he's always struggled with the attention brought to him just by being Taehyung's friend. But for Taehyung, he honestly does not know how he will react, and that scares him.

3. try to continue whatever he has going on with Taehyung but keep it a secret, ensuring Mina doesn't hear or see anything. This is the most attractive option for Jungkook. Again, they have to keep it down low until they graduate. It's not that long on paper, but it will feel like an eternity.

"Jungkook," he hears as the door to the rooftop opens. It's Taehyung. "This is where you've been hiding."

Jungkook sits up and turns to see Taehyung approach him. This time Taehyung isn't smiling. Taehyung sits beside Jungkook, bumping Jungkook's knee with his fist.

"Why are you up here?" Taehyung asks.

Jungkook looks up at the clouds rolling by. "I came here to think."

Taehyung nods, biting his lip. He pauses before saying, "Yeah, it's nice and quiet up here."

Jungkook knows Taehyung probably thinks he did something wrong, but he hasn't. Jungkook is just confused and not sure what to do next—and it doesn't help that he doesn't have the luxury of taking the time to choose.

A Note to Myself | TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now