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Soobin ended up staying the night, and Taehyung texted Jungkook that he'd be late. Now that it's a new morning, he walks to school with Soobin. He can't deny he misses Taehyung, and yes, Jungkook was looking forward to seeing him first thing in the morning; however, he'll just have to wait.

"I practised so hard, yet you still beat me every time," Soobin whines.

"You're still thinking about that?" Jungkook chuckles. They spent the entire night playing Smash and Soobin wouldn't give up, despite losing every round. Jungkook thought of purposely losing just so they could go to sleep, but he felt it would be a disservice to Soobin knowing how hard he was trying just to get one win.

"How do I get better?" Soobin asks.

"With time. The reason I'm better is that I've been playing the game for a long time. You've improved so much!" Jungkook smiles, watching Soobin's eyes light up. "Last time we played, you couldn't even Up B."

Soobin giggles with joy. "You're right! I can at least make it back to the stage when you hit me off."

Jungkook nods. "Come over more. I'll teach you."

"Can Taehyung teach me too?"

Jungkook frowns. "Am I not good enough?"

"I want to learn from the best!"

"Hey! You little-"Jungkook chases Soobin down the street while they both laugh in between puffs. This is nice. That feeling of contentment fades when Jungkook sees Naeun waiting at the school gate.

"Jungkook~" Naeun waves. "Can we talk?" She looks at Soobin. "In private."

Jungkook looks at Soobin, then back to Naeun. "Soobin can stay."

Soobin shakes his head timidly, waving his hands in front of him. "No, it's fine. See you in class." He bows, then rushes off.

Jungkook keeps a groan in, waiting for whatever Naeun has to say. Nothing good has come out of this girl's mouth; he doesn't expect much from her.

"Okay," Naeun starts, straightening her posture. Her hair gently flows as a gust of wind blows by. "I need your help."

Jungkook snorts. "Really?"

Naeun nods.

"After all you've done, you want my help?" Jungkook laughs.

Naeun rolls her eyes, putting a hand on her hip. "Hear me out."

"I'm listening," Jungkook says, giggles still escaping. He could hear Naeun say this a few more times, just to uplift his mood. It's not every day Naeun shows her vulnerable side.

"We're in big trouble." Naeun's face is serious, only heightening Jungkook's amusement. He can't think of a time when Naeun has given him a look this desperate before.

"We are?"

Naeun nods. "You're being blackmailed, right?"

"Are you here to blackmail me, too?" It wouldn't be the first time—or second.

Naeun rolls her eyes. "Don't come to a conclusion without hearing me out." She looks around before leaning closer. "We might have our differences, but this is our common ground; a common enemy."

Jungkook nods, listening more intently.

"It's Mina." Naeun looks around again, probably to make sure no one is listening. "The other day I let her sit at my table at lunch, and we became a little close—at least that's what I thought."


"That backstabbing bitch stole something of mine."

Jungkook scoffs. "That's it?"

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