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At the lunch table, the atmosphere is awkward. Jimin sits next to Jungkook instead of Taehyung, and Taehyung pretends that Jungkook didn't catch him working a part-time job on the down low. Jungkook thinks it's something that is usually shared with a friend-being Taehyung's first job.

Jimin is being so touchy with him today. Jimin says it's going to be in Jungkook's favour if they rile Taehyung up-he doesn't know that Jungkook and Taehyung have already gone further than kissing, and quite frankly, Jungkook has no plans on telling him, but sure, Jimin can be his unofficial wing-man he never asked for.

"Do we know why that girl stopped sitting with us?" Jimin asks.

Taehyung glances at Jungkook before looking uninterested, scrolling through his phone.

"She's sitting with Naeun now," Soobin says, pointing to their table.

Naeun? Naeun and Mina together? Jungkook's stomach churns, feeling anxious about what them together could mean.

He looks at Taehyung again, hoping to get more than just another short glance, but it doesn't achieve anything. He needs Taehyung alone. It becomes his mission.

All day he looks for opportunities. He follows behind Taehyung, trying not to be seen like an assassin waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce. He attacks every time he sees an opening, but an outside influence diverts each attempt.

Jungkook is painfully reminded of how sort after and popular Taehyung is. Everyone wants a piece of him. Only recently did he realise how much he wants Taehyung, but he doesn't just want a bit; he wants his entirety.

"Tae-" Jungkook is interrupted by Naeun.

"I heard Jimin is no longer going for the role," she says, standing before Jungkook so he can't walk further. Jungkook can only watch Taehyung walk away, and he has to stop himself from groaning in front of Naeun.

"Good job. You're not useless after all," Naeun says.

Jungkook scowls. "Useless? So mean. After all the times you've used me for your personal gain."

Naeun crosses her arms. "Don't take offence, Jungkook. It's only a saying."

"So what do you want now?" Jungkook asks.

Naeun scoffs, putting a hand up to her chest. "What makes you think I want something from you? Can I not talk to you without needing something in return?"

Jungkook mimics Naeun's scoff. "Don't play with me. We both know you have an ulterior motive."

Naeun leans on one leg, twirling her hair with her fingers. "Maybe you're right." She giggles. "I hope you come to see the play."

Jungkook thins his lips.

"Oh, and don't get too jealous when I kiss my man," she adds.

Her man?! Jungkook wanted to say something snarky, but she had already turned her back, running off after Taehyung.

Jealous? Jungkook wants to laugh. This girl doesn't know anything. Jungkook has already claimed Taehyung's lips more than once, and he doesn't need some stupid play as an excuse to kiss someone. Stupid. Jungkook won't get jealous.

But the more he thinks about it, the more angry he gets. Jimin said so, and now Naeun-why is there such a big emphasis on a stupid kiss?

Since he cares so little, he wrote a list of all the possible outcomes the kiss could lead to;

1. Nothing-it's just a kiss

2. Taehyung will realise Jungkook is the one and never kiss another girl again.

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