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Once again, Jungkook is left alone after school. For some reason, Taehyung has been secretive again, and for what? Is he seeing his uncle again? For the fourth time this week? Jungkook doesn't know, but it doesn't stop the make-out sessions at school. Taehyung finds every opportunity to exchange rushed kisses.


Janitors closet

Empty classroom


Detention-he gets from being late for class due to their little exchanges.

These are some of the places he gets whisked to. It's exciting and adrenaline-inducing-he can only pray not to get caught. It's a reality that doesn't feel like reality and feels like the rooftop never happened. Each time they kiss, tension builds, and the need for Taehyung grows, but he's reminded of the uncertainty every time Taehyung makes an excuse not to walk home with Jungkook.

Perhaps that's why there's an unspoken rule whenever they meet in private. All that is needed is physical touch, no words, and Jungkook is too scared to break this rule. He grasps anything that keeps him attached to Taehyung. He's scared.

What if Taehyung rejects him again?

His phone vibrates in his pocket, so he checks-Jimin sent him a random location. It's a restaurant.


What is this?


I know it's late notice, but today is perfect for the date ✨

He zooms out of the map to see it's not too far from the school.


I didn't think you were being serious about the date. What if someone at school gets the wrong idea?


That's the whole point. Remember??? I'm trying to make someone jealous🥰

Jimin still hasn't told Jungkook who, but he has to do it. Whatever Naeun has planned is far worse than what Jimin can do.


Are you paying for my food?


Enough chit chat and get here already!!


Even after a week of working here at the restaurant, it still amuses Taehyung to see Yoongi schmooze with customers. Taehyung's learned most of what there is to waiting, except he still fails at three-plate-carry-his manager said she doesn't mind that he can't cause he has a beautiful face to compensate.

As Taehyung organises the order receipts, he can't help but notice Yoongi scowling every time he walks back to the kitchen. One of the tables keeps pressing the call button.

"What is it?" Taehyung asks.

"If table 23 buzzes again, can you deal with them?" Yoongi says, chucking a tea towel onto the bench, palming his forehead in stress.

"Difficult customer?"

Yoongi snickers. "You could say that."

Taehyung looks over to Table 23. Jimin? With... who is Jimin with?

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